SGI: Computer Graphics

Quick simple ocean model


PM consistent rendered model for further analysis

hope you like
Nice. More info on how it was generated please!

Hmm reminds me of something i've seen in the Maya Visor. Some great examples to test the performance of a machine, or compare it to modern hardware. MY Onyx2s seem pretty fast for their age, and still VERY capable of handling complex poly models.

MAYA, nut-
:Octane2: :Octane2: Octane 2 R14k 600 V12 4GB, Octane2 R14K 600 V10 1GB ,
:Onyx2: :Onyx2: Onyx2 IR3 4GB Quad R14K 500 DIVO, Onyx2 IR Quad R12K 400 2GB,
:Indigo2: SGI Indigo 2 R8K75 TEAL Extreme 256MB,
:Indigo2IMP: SGI Indigo 2 R10K 195 Solid Impact 256MB, MAX Impact Pending
Apple G5 Quad, NV Quadro 4500 + 7800GT, 12GB RAM
Sun Blade 1000 Dual 900 XVR 1000 4GB
Sun Blade 2000 Dual 1200 XVR 1200 8GB
looks like one of the presets from maya

I do not use Maya and never have. I am not aware if it has presets or not.

I have all of the C++ code for this it was generated using

1 - a box Muller uniform random number generator
2 - a Pierson Moskowitz ocean wave spectrum
3 - SGI scsl FFT lib call
4 - VTK calls for visualiziing the wave spectra and random number field
5 - pixie to to the rendering based on the Fresnel reflector as described in Tessendorf (Simulating Ocean Water).

the render is quite basic still no actual sky etc. (hence I added a little more blue content).

Why would I write my own?

1 - just as an exercise in doing these things
2 - more importantly, in a previous life I worked on HF measurement of ocean wave spectra and I am building a library which will hopefully render images from actual measured spectra (mixed swell and wind models etc.)

3 - this can be animated although I have been busy and not able to build put the code together for this.

Hope this helps

Cool. What was the render time?
Than it is really wery nice ocean. All speachs about maya was error - maya have I think form 5.0 powerfull functions for creating ocean/ liguids.

It is rendered in SW or trough OpenGL - and what machine you have used?
:O2: R7000/600 576MB Ram CDRW 18+9Gb HDD
tomo wrote: It is rendered in SW or trough OpenGL - and what machine you have used?

The use of Pixie (open-source RenderMan) would suggest that it was rendered non-real-time in software.
I use an dual 400Mhz octane for the actual creation of the surface and to render I have been using a fuel (600Mhz). MIPS compilers.

the image takes about 6 seconds to render but it is only 256 by 256 resolution. This is one of my first images and so this is kept down to speed the development cycle.

Gotta use these machines for something right.
Source code? :?: :mrgreen: :shock:
Temporarily lost at sea...
World domination! Or something...
Not sure I understand that comment :?:
competentcompton wrote: the image takes about 6 seconds to render but it is only 256 by 256 resolution.

So a 600 x 800 patch would take, say, 30 seconds per frame, 30 frames per second would equal 900 seconds or 15 minutes per cpu per second of animation, a five minute ocean would take 75 hours of cpu time ....
Gotta use these machines for something right.

Maybe need to get into some bigger iron. I think maxsleg or tjsgifan might have something appropriate :)
Not sure I understand that comment

You said:

I have all of the C++ code for this

So... Can you show it to us? 8-)
Temporarily lost at sea...
World domination! Or something...

that was what confused me slightly. I wasn't sure if you were interested in seeing it or just making a comment on this.

Sure I can post it, it is quite scrappy as it is a work in progress and has lots and lots of debug functions for checking numerical values for integrals and power/energy estimates.

To use it though you need cmake, vtk and scsl along with the mips compilers. I have't tried to compile this with gcc.

If you like I can email it. It might quite messy to post here - we aren't talking about 10s of lines of code.
