Powermac G5s are nice machines and rather cheap, but too noisy if you want to leave it running; quieter than an octane at least. Also, beware some versions of the liquid cooling system. 10.5.8 is starting to be long in the tooth as an everyday machine (tho OP will probably disagree). PPC minis only go up to the G4 but they are also only $50 or so, probably more in EU.
MorphOS looks very interesting, and they support the mini G4, powerbook G4, etc. I might have to get one myself and try it out.
MorphOS looks very interesting, and they support the mini G4, powerbook G4, etc. I might have to get one myself and try it out.
(Maradona) (DavidVilla) A1186 (Xavi)
A1370 (Messi) dp43tf (Puyol) A1387 (Abidal) A1408 (Guardiola)
"InfiniteReality Graphics - Power Through Complexity"