Raion-Fox wrote:
I don't mourn MIPS, it's a dirty architecture with nasty register spill tendency, similar to SuperH.
Well, MIPS is not a dirty architecture, why dirty? it's a clean and interesting architecture, from the first R2K to the last MIPS64, and the last MIPS32R2 fixes a lot of things, making assembly more friendly.
I have been programming assembly MIPS for years (now you can do it with Microchip PIC32), what I don't really like is .. the MIPS-cache! Cache is still terrible on MIPS. Even worse than on PowerPC.
The nasty register spill tendency is natural on RISC, and as every RISC, MIPS suffers of being bloated in code density. It's the price to pay for a simple decode unit. But the internal design along the datapath is simple enough to have fun on your own HDL implementation. Can't you do it so simple with other RISC.
never programmed SuperHitachi, but I have an old SH3 chip in my old GPS. It comes with an external flash, SOIC chip, it can be unsoldered and wired out to a ROM emulator. There is also a serial port, and 512Kbyte of RAM.
It sounds funny. Just need to find the occasion (time) to hack it