Hey there, acidchrist!
acidchrist wrote:
having installed 9.10 recently on my macbook and my core 2 pc i have a lot more problems than i had before with the 8.xx.
You're right... I was enough stupid to accept the suggestion to upgrade my previous near-to-perfect 8.10 install... and since then everything was a path of pains!
I can understand it... it looks like some kind of sabotagge... maybe they forgot to pay some invoice over there, or something like that?
acidchrist wrote:
the only things that made ubuntu interesting were its simplicity, compatibility and reliability and now it appears that it just isn't worth using anymore. i think i'm gonna try archlinux instead
Again you hit right on the nail... I hate to say it, but this thing about Flash/Firefox is getting me more tired every day... specially because everybody (including myself, blewww!) now has some kind of Flash based technology on his site!
Anyway, I think I'm even more tired having switched from at least six different distros on latest years... and I don't want to go again thru all these pain, customizing the apps, repackaging my own tools, etc. It is simply too much for me now...
acidchrist wrote:
i actually saw ubuntu uninstall itself in synaptic after an unknown problem when i was installing stuff from the universe repository (it uninstalled packages like ubuntu, the kernel, and everything else) and without telling me anything or asking me what to do. i was used to see such horrible failures on windows but i'd never seen anything like that on linux
Yeah, I was *almost* about to suffer such a pain when tried to update my themes from the previous release and it asked me some decision before to proceed... by some instant of illumination, I've clicked on "Details", and it was about to uninstall most part of my system, along with the few package to update...
...what a crap!!!
I hope Ubuntu will be eventually back to the good track. I can't believe they will keep this thing like that.