The collected works of vegac - Page 3

Still available for download on the bottom of:
It's about as barebones as can be right now...
I do have the av card and FireWire pci card still...

Primary wants:
An RM5200 cpu (is it a direct upgrade over a 180mhz r5k?)
Or if there's someone willing to part, the 600mhz upgrade cup
Higher density ram

Also interested in:
1600sw adapter+panel
Compatible DVD drive
Cd cover
Granite keyboard

I'm in the Bay Area in California if that helps with costs :)
Pfft, I pay about $0.56/kWh (in the Bay Area in Cali) all told...
It's pretty insane.
Don't have my Octane in front of me... are those the only 2 fans in the machine?
Meaning if I got some quiet fans for those, plus an SSD for a drive, I could have a nearly silent Octane?
Can't wait they should be here next week :)

Right now I have 3 9-gig drives a 9 gig system drive and 18gig striped for data. Both will be replaced by a 120GB SSD.

Going to then clone the 9gig system drive to the SSD and copy the rest over then boom, a ton more space AND 3 less drives spinning and making noise!

But then the other part of me says I should put the Octane away and focus on my O2...get it pimped out and silent.
Finally got around to doing this!

I used the instructions here:

Turns out I had 3 17.3gb drives in there, not 3 9s but oh well, it's all smaller than the 120gb in there now!

Disabled the stripe I had between two drives and took them out.

Things to note:
1. The system drive is the BOTTOM drive in an Octane, not the top :)
2. The SE jumper MUST be set, and the SCSI ID jumpers must be removed for the Octane to see the drive
3. I had to put the SSD in the top bay to get it to be seen by hinv, middle bay wouldn't work - could just have been user error
4. The cloning process was full of SPAMS of errors about the RAD thread not running for 32mS. It caused me to miss when it actually ended

All told things start much quicker and fewer moving parts means things are that much quieter!
Next up I'll be trying to replace some fans in this thing. I have a spare Cherokee that hasn't been plugged in in months that's probably safe to open up without killing myself...

Lastly, some (manually transcribed since the Octane isn't on the net right now) diskperf details

diskperf -W -D -t5 -r512k -m4m test/testfile (a 2gig file)

Code: Select all

# req_size  fwd_wt  fwd_rd  bwd_wt  bwd_rd  rnd_wt  rnd_rd
#  (bytes)  (MB/S)  (MB/S)  (MB/S)  (MB/S)  (MB/S)  (MB/S)
524288     37.00   31.45   36.79   31.39   36.71   28.67

(numbers were withing .5MB/S across all sizes from 512k to 4m)

Now I'm wishing I had taken numbers with the OLD drive before I removed it!
Ah another Bay Area SGIer!
Welcome :)
If your'e going to go for an actual oldschool PC (with DOS?) it I HAVE to suggest:

I guess it also includes a prototype Windows 3.1 port haha.
It's true than an O2 doesn't hold a candle performance-wise to an Octane (especially my 550mhz r14k...though I still have dreams of a dual 600mhz) but let's be honest here, NONE of these machines really hold a candle performance-wise to a modern machine so that's not why I'm here.

After playing with it more though, I think most of my noise was coming from my 3 SCSI drives as the system is over-all much quieter than before, and I think with a fan swap or two I could get it NEARLY silent...
I sadly don't have anything to offer to this thread, and my O2 is currently in a non-functional state, but I love that this is happening :)