The collected works of tc74

sent an email about the low end systems (Indy, Indigo, Indigo2).
Hi dreko, Hi ka0s

perhaps we can share the costs for the entire setup if he is not willing to part out individual units

At the moment it seems to me too much expensive to buy half of the entire setup.
I'm interested into maximum two system, for example the Indy and the Indigo. I also have space problem :-)

So the best for me would be if ka0s wants to part out the single systems.

Let's see if it is possible
Thanks for the idea.


Excel do what you want,
The problem is that it tries to do what he think is right not what you want :-)

I usually do a plot by selecting the data and adding an (X,Y) scatter graph, and usually excel doesn't get the right X,Y.
Then with the right mouse button I click on the graph and then click on "select data", here you can delete or add "Series" and tell what data is the X and what is the Y in the "Series" by selecting the data on the workbook window.

To change scale to logarithmic click on the axis you want to change the scale.

I hope I'm helping you.
