

I use R all the time

PymbleSoftware wrote:

also Excel for quick stuff.

I love my iPad!!!
Could also try Grace .

There's a SGI freeware version for IRIX, but I don't think we ever added it to nekoware.

Excel do what you want,
The problem is that it tries to do what he think is right not what you want :-)

I usually do a plot by selecting the data and adding an (X,Y) scatter graph, and usually excel doesn't get the right X,Y.
Then with the right mouse button I click on the graph and then click on "select data", here you can delete or add "Series" and tell what data is the X and what is the Y in the "Series" by selecting the data on the workbook window.

To change scale to logarithmic click on the axis you want to change the scale.

I hope I'm helping you.

tc74 wrote:
Excel do what you want,
The problem is that it tries to do what he think is right not what you want :-)

Exactly right! ;)