The collected works of stuart - Page 3

Just a quick note that I've also seen performance problems with the latest Firefox. When running, I've seen cases where my CPU usage jumps to 100% on each processor, with Xsgi also struggling to render the contents of native windows.

However, quitting and restarting Firefox often seems to clear this issue, even when resuming the session and so re-opening the same sites. I've also seen this occur on the very first site opened when freshly started in a new session. Firefox appears to have problems with anything involving text-entry, which appears to be a trigger for these problems.

Even when not misbehaving, Firefox seems noticeably slower than Seamonkey.
stuart wrote: Even when not misbehaving, Firefox seems noticeably slower than Seamonkey.

... although, after reading another thread, I've just installed FlashBlock, AdBlock Plus and NoSript and it's like another application entirely! Whilst still occasionally laggy in places, it's generally fast enough for daily use. Yay!

(Strangely, if I try to install any add-ons into Seamonkey, it always errors-out saying that it can't update the Chrome registry. All the files within my profile are writable (by me) so I'm not sure what's wrong here. Just me again, or some minor issue with neko_seamonkey?)
Just a quick note - the new pango-1.26.0 package in beta is still labeled ' pango- 1.12.4 GTK2 Core and Text Font Handling '
The new neko_mpg123 -1.10.0.tardist in beta seems to have a problem or two...

$ ldd /usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123
162841: 12:54:19 /usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Fatal Error exit/longjmp: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/
162841:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/

$ ls -l /usr/nekoware/lib/libmpg*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 1.1K 2010-01-11 12:46 /usr/nekoware/lib/*
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys   16 2010-01-11 12:46 /usr/nekoware/lib/ ->
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys   16 2010-01-11 12:46 /usr/nekoware/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 317K 2010-01-11 12:46 /usr/nekoware/lib/*

... so this may be due to upgrading, but it appears that the version number of has been bumped, but the symlinks in lib haven't been updated to reflect this :(

With this fixed, we now get:
$ ldd /usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123  =>       /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>  /usr/lib32/
162949: 13:08:58 /usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Fatal Error exit/longjmp: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/
162949:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname '' under any of the filenames /usr/nekoware/lib/

... which appears to be a libtool library...

Should this be here? My Gentoo Portage build of mpg123 for IRIX is also linked against libltdl - so it either is necessary, or there's something generically wrong with mpg123's build system. If this linkage is correct, then mpg123 is missing a dependency (the stable neko_libtool -1.5.26
only includes, so the beta version is required).

Even then, though, when ldd output reads:
$ ldd /usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123  =>       /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>  /usr/lib32/  =>         /usr/nekoware/lib/  =>     /usr/lib32/  =>      /lib32/  =>    /lib32/

... actually running mpg123 gives:
$ /usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123 --help
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_4to1_s32_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_ntom_s32_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_ntom_real_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_2to1_real_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_1to1_real_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_1to1_s32_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_2to1_s32_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_4to1_real_mono2stereo
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_2to1_s32_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_ntom_s32_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_1to1_s32_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_2to1_real_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_4to1_real_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_4to1_s32_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_1to1_real_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_1to1_real
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_ntom_real_mono
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_ntom_s32
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_ntom_real
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_4to1_real
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_4to1_s32
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_2to1_real
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_1to1_s32
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in /usr/nekoware/lib/ synth_2to1_s32
163316:/usr/nekoware/bin/mpg123: rld: Fatal Error: this executable has unresolvable symbols

... so perhaps there's more to the library problem than just non-updated symlinks.

:1600SW: :O2: :Octane2: :Octane2: :Fuel: :O200:
Does defining _BSD_TIME or _BSD_COMPAT help at all?

:1600SW: :O2: :Octane2: :Octane2: :Fuel: :O200:
-D_BSD_TIME doesn't help, but with -D_BSD_COMPAT the above example does compile... how about ffmpeg? ;)

:1600SW: :O2: :Octane2: :Octane2: :Fuel: :O200:
Alignment problem?

I started ffmpeg building this afternoon - I'll have a play tomorrow and see if I can get it into any semblance of working...

:1600SW: :O2: :Octane2: :Octane2: :Fuel: :O200:
nuts wrote:
I try to install portage but, after creating account, folders and unpack mipspro-wrapper, I have:
* Fetching prefix-overlay-20100323.tar.bz2 Non-recoverable failure in name resolution

Hmm - it looks as if the script has been updated, and is now significantly more sophisticated then when I first wrote the first post... it's well-worth checking the official prefix installation instructions to see if the usage has also changed (check the guides here and take an average of the different platforms to weed-out any system-specific parts!)

I've had a quick look and the hostname resolves, but you may have to edit the script to update the date of the snapshot being fetched (search for ' PV ').

Finally, the latest MIPSpro-wrapper script is available from here - which has a number of very significant fixes compared to earlier versions.

I've also uploaded the latest IRIX-MIPSpro-wrapper , irix-portage-tools (which contains IRIX-ified versions of some standard tools - drop this into a ~/bin/ directory or similar, and ensure it appears early in your $PATH) and irix-portage (which contains all of the configuration and overlay packages customised for IRIX and ready to be dropped directly into place - please note that this contains a home/.bashrc and an etc/make.conf - please customise before overwriting anything important!) to .

:1600SW: :O2: :Octane2: :Octane2: :Fuel: :O200: