Has anyone here tried to run FlightGear on a Onyx2?
I have no success here. After i start fgfs (with fgrun or simply by ./fgfs) it just prints 'Abort' to the console and quits. On my Octane2 it runs nicely with the same installation and settings. Is there something i'm doing wrong or does it simply not run on Onyx2? I tried 0.9.8 and 0.9.6, both with the same results.
Has anyone here tried to run FlightGear on a Onyx2?
I have no success here. After i start fgfs (with fgrun or simply by ./fgfs) it just prints 'Abort' to the console and quits. On my Octane2 it runs nicely with the same installation and settings. Is there something i'm doing wrong or does it simply not run on Onyx2? I tried 0.9.8 and 0.9.6, both with the same results.