The collected works of jimis

Check them out here .

WARNING: These are my first tardists so be a little careful and please notify me of any mistakes. They are not fully conformant to the nekochan way yet, I didn't have the time to fix little details like the release notes.

I created these tardists to be able to compile firefox 3. After lots of bugfixing and weeks of compilation finally firefox 3rc1 compiled successfully, but unfortunately crashes immediately on startup. The bug is really obscure this time, and I don't know if I'll be able to move forward:

1163727:dist/bin/firefox-bin: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in dist/bin/ _ZN14nsXPTCStubBase7Stub191Ev

But anyway the GTK+2 tardists look very nice and the gtk-demo app runs nice, so enjoy!
I have tried rc1, compiled with latest nekoware gcc (3.4.6). I have surpassed via simple patches all compile-time problems. The problem I have is runtime, and it's related to bug 349002 . It seems that there is no patch for Irix for the new xptcall API, and since it involves programming in Irix assembly (!!!) I can't do many things (and not enough time to even try at the moment...).
I would appreciate if you created me an account. In my free time I'm trying to build firefox3 but on my poor R5K O2 I need to wait more than one day for the (unoptimised) build to end (I mean to fail ;-) . An account on a fash machine would help significantly my efforts.
