The collected works of emilen72

Hi to all, I'm newbie here...

I wish to install and use e-uae from nekoware on my Indigo2 r10k with a fresh IRIX 6.5.21 installation...

I setup the tardist and all relative dependencies but I have some error about "pango" and other things... about configuration

I read the man but the info is not relative to the IRIX port of e-uae

there is someone here that have a guide for that? or can help me in some way?

many thanks in advance
hi recondas, thanks for the welcome here...

in the meantime hi fix the trouble.... I discovered that the default installation of pango and fontconfig don't set all the sub option... I reinstalled the two packages with all the subs set on... and now e-uae starts...

it need to set the x11.use_mitshm=false in the .uaerc file and set the 24 bin on Xmanagers file otherwise the gui was bad

I have loaded kickstart 1.3 and tryed wb1.3 and some games, kick 3.1 and WB... but I'm not very satisfied from performance of the emulator :( maybe my machine is not the best, it have only 128MB ram, or maybe I need to well setup other option. I have an old 2000's version of winuae installation on my old pentium4 and have not paragon on performance :shock:

your experiences is better than mine?

it seems to overload the cpu but it stay in the memory limits... the value is low to 86% when the eau is not run any action on it... but during mouse movents or dpaint fill gradient operation the cpu load is the same 95-96%