ivelegacy wrote: built in 2008
Okay, about as old as the last one I built (2007).
ivelegacy wrote: it works with SMP=disabled
I figured as much. Although I have not had any severe problems with SMP once I fixed the IRQ setup, I can't rule out that all SMP-related problems have been solved, though.
ivelegacy wrote:Kumba wrote: and those were solved once I learned to use the correct handle_*_irq() function
isn't kernel matter?
Not following what you're asking here?
ivelegacy wrote:Code: Select all
kika # uname -r
she has
Code: Select all
kika # gcc-config -l
[1] mips-unknown-linux-gnu-4.1.2 *
[2] mips-unknown-linux-gnu-4.5.2
[3] mips-unknown-linux-gnu-4.6.3
I used gcc- v4.1.2, uclibc profiled (cross compiler, mips3-be-glibc ---> mips3-be-uclibc)
and I can reuse my OpenWrt builder (kernel v4.2.*, gcc v4.6.*)
do you have a "demo" version ?
do you have a good ram-rootfs ?
I don't have a current initramfs at the moment. This is the thing that has been irritating me to no end over the weekend, is trying to get a uclibc-based mips3 chroot working so that I can create a new initramfs, but there's something jacked up with this uclibc root and the ncurses library. If I recompile ncurses, anything linked to libncurses.so.5.9 starts segfaulting, and I am stumped as to why. I am trying one last nutty idea before I call it quits and just focus instead on making a glibc-based initramfs.
Although, using OpenWRT to kickstart a new uclibc root is an interesting idea. I tried this with buildroot a while back, but they sadly chose to drop support for the old MIPS ISAs prior to mips32r1/mips64r1. When I asked how to undo that, the answer basically involved inserting lots of #ifdef macros in their code, and they didn't seem inclined to specify where. So I abandoned that idea entirely.
As for a demo kernel, I haven't had time to spin you one yet, since I've got the Octane tied up trying to get this uclibc idea working.
My thinking at the moment is, you've just got an incompatibility between the really old code of your initramfs, likely built against 2.6.x kernel headers or such, and the 4.3.x nature of the current kernel. If you were getting the same problems I was, you'd be seeing Data Bus Errors, not Instruction Bus Errors. An IBE means that the CPU attempted to decode a CPU opcode that it doesn't understand, so do make sure your binaries are compiled for MIPS-III or MIPS-IV at a minimum, and that no mips32rX/mips64rX stuff snuck in by accident.

"The past tempts us, the present confuses us, the future frightens us. And our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast, terrible in-between."
--Emperor Turhan, Centauri Republic