hamei wrote:
This is from Windows 2k, but might still be relevant : (thanks to
) Windows Services for Unix works on
, not names. So you can have the same user and group on both machines but still have problems. Get the group and user id's to match.
Thanks for the thanks, hamei.
Minor point: the UID thing is a Unix thing, not a W2k thing. The Unix kernel (and hence anything that works with it, like NFS) tracks users and groups by numeric user identifiers (UIDs) and group identifiers (GIDs).
For example, let's say that there is an account named "josehill" with UID = 47291, and that account belongs to a group called "knuckleheads" with GID = 91356. Technically, as far as Unix systems are concerned, the account
47291, and it belongs to group 91356. The "josehill/knuckleheads" combo is
arbitrary and irrelevant to the system - it is nothing more than an easily remembered alias for the convenience of human users.
Conversely, if there is an account with UID = 47291 called "josehill" on one system and an account with UID = 47291 called "hamei" on another system, the two Unix systems will treat the "josehill" and "hamei" accounts as if they are the same account -- because they
the same account, i.e. account # 47291.
So, when using a Unix technology (like NFS) to connect to a system that uses a different model for identifying users (like Windows), you need to configure a mapping between the Unix user model and the other system's model. That's the step that hamei (correctly) called "awful" when working with Windows Services for Unix. He also could have said "clumsy, torturous, abusive, maddening, etc."
My guess is that this mapping was not correctly performed between the original poster's Mac and PC. With default security and sharing enabled on the Mac, /Users is visible, so a Windows machine should be able to see the names of the user directories within the Mac's /Users directory. However, unless the UID issue is sorted out, the Windows machine will not be able to see what is inside those directories.
I agree with the other people who have suggested using the Mac's SMB file sharing, especially with a small network. It's FAR, FAR easier to configure sharing between a Mac and Windows machine using Windows file sharing tech than it is to use NFS. I'd only bother with configuring Windows machines to use NFS if you are managing a dozen or more machines, and NIS/NFS is already the standard for file sharing and directory services in your organization.