started mc in bash and found that issue - functional keys is not works. Also is there anything like gpm in linux to use mouse in mc? Thanks
God created the world. The rest made in china.
O2 R5K 512Mb RAM 73Gb Barco Chameleon neko
O2 R10K 1Gb RAM 73Gb Barco Chameleon AV1 tomcat
O2 R5K 256Mb RAM 73Gb kitty
Octane2 R10K 2x250Mhz 2Gb 73Gb MX grinch
Building Octane (65%): Case Octane, PSU Cherokee, XBow 1.4, Latest Mobo Octane2, Odyssey VPro V10

Building Octane (65%): Case Octane, PSU Cherokee, XBow 1.4, Latest Mobo Octane2, Odyssey VPro V10