Looking for the teal plastic feet/stands and/or the cdrom sled with or without a compatible CDROM drive for an Indigo2.
Indy XL24 R4600SC 133MHz | Indigo2 Extreme R4400 250MHz | Octane MXI 2xR12000 300MHz
2x Octane SE 2xR10000 195MHz
SPARCstation 20 SX 2x125MHz HyperSPARC | SPARCstation 20 TurboGX+ 2x60MHz SuperSPARC-II
SPARCstation IPC GX 25MHz SPARC | SPARCstation IPX GX 40MHz SPARC | SPARCclassic TurboGX 50MHz microSPARC
SPARCclassic X cg3 50MHz microSPARC | Sun Blade 100 Expert3D-Lite 500MHz UltraSPARC IIe