That is a quantel sQ edit plus system. Its a client for a bigger sQ server system.
the onboard audio isnt used at all, it has its own SDI video/audio i/o - that that machine apparantly is missing. most clients dont have i/o, most of the i/o is done from the server.
the sQ server is an amazing product. for every frame of video it has a hi res compressed image, and a low res browse quality image. regular view/edit clients work with the low res browse level media, but since all the metadata is managed in a database, it always matches to the hi res broadcast quality media.
so for example, the qrecord operator starts a feed coming in. after the first frame hits the server, the clip is immidiatly availible to all view/edit/etc clients to work with in real time. a producer can watch the feed in, subclip out the bytes then want, and publish that clip back to the server.
then somebody on the edit plus can pull up the edit, do color corrects, effects, finish the cut, whatever, and publish it back to the server. any new media created (effects, etc) go back up to the server as well. The final edit can be played out live, before the feed coming in is ever even finished.
more info here: ... df049cb08a
its an AMAZING system to work on in a fast paced news environment.
btw genQ products have a custom video board with quantel custom FPGAs, etc. this unit is just missing it.