So, I picked up an MXI board for relatively cheap but I think one of the two TRAMs is bad on it. It fails IDE in "mg_tram_rev_nobuff", and any GL stuff using hardware textures shows up "interlaced" - see photos for examples.
I've tried reseating the TRAMs and swapping them between the two positions and I get the same failure mode. I ended up just taking them out and have it running in SSI mode, which passes IDE fine.
A couple questions: Is there any fix for this, or do I need to go hunting for a replacement TRAM? Any way to tell which TRAM is bad? I don't have an SI card to swap them into to test them individually.
I've tried reseating the TRAMs and swapping them between the two positions and I get the same failure mode. I ended up just taking them out and have it running in SSI mode, which passes IDE fine.
A couple questions: Is there any fix for this, or do I need to go hunting for a replacement TRAM? Any way to tell which TRAM is bad? I don't have an SI card to swap them into to test them individually.
Indy XL24 R4600SC 133MHz | Indigo2 Extreme R4400 250MHz | Octane MXI 2xR12000 300MHz
2x Octane SE 2xR10000 195MHz
SPARCstation 20 SX 2x125MHz HyperSPARC | SPARCstation 20 TurboGX+ 2x60MHz SuperSPARC-II
SPARCstation IPC GX 25MHz SPARC | SPARCstation IPX GX 40MHz SPARC | SPARCclassic TurboGX 50MHz microSPARC
SPARCclassic X cg3 50MHz microSPARC | Sun Blade 100 Expert3D-Lite 500MHz UltraSPARC IIe