Hi guys.
At last the forums are up again, thx
So i finally found my tezro on ebay by the end of nov 2014, maybe some of you followed the auction .
Finally she came after a month shipping through half the world on time to christmas
The auction stated that there is a gfx config error on boot up and its got 2GB ram.
Prior to bidding i found the post on the forums about the error, that its just missing the monitor plugged in.
In fact the machine ran great, and also has 8GB ram, wohoo (of which 2gb are disabled, but hey
Ran? Well, after booting her up for once and seeing everything is working, theres even the original irix installation on the disk.
I already got a plan regarding quieting the baby down. The fans were laying there for weeks to get built into the tezro, and so i started replacing the fans.
After 6 hours soldering i finally got everything back together. But something didnt work out quite well. Switched her on, wow, nice and almost unhearable....
But after ten seconds or so i got an error in the L1 display: "VRM not ok, vcpu #1...."
After looking around i think i found the broken part: The error message says it: The vrm plugged between the DIMMs seem to be cooked, shit.
I then thought about the PSU fan replacement maybe failed and i killed the psu... (Its one pice of sh*t to work with)
Well the psu works, and the currents seem to be ok (im an electronic noob, but i can measure currents, i think ^^).
I then fiddled around with the psu, opening, looking what may could be wrong (im still living, no panic ^^), building back the original fan in, replug, run, vrm message still there.......
I found the right VRMs on ebay and ordered six of it (oO), i think they will arrive tomorrow or wednesday.
Now the question is if i could trust the psu. In case it fails i got enough VRMs left, but you know....
I also fiddled around with other psus to get the baby running. You know, i waited since ten years to get one, and now its broken and its Dez 23. evening and fuck.
So i got the tezro working with my standard enermax psu......
With that in mind that a standard psu could work in the tezro, im thinking about replacing the whole psu with a silent and efficient platinum psu.
Two problems there: The 10 Pin 12V (CPU) connector and the i-dont-know-what-it-is-cables (5 Pin, like the old cd-rom audio cables) that seem to handle environment monitoring (because i dont have the vrm errors with the enermax psu and the tezro boots to the maintenance menu, and yes i know im crazy as fuck to even try this out).
The first problem is none, because you in example just take the PCIe connector for the graphics card and plug it in reverse besides the 8Pin 12V CPU connector you have on the standard psu.
Trying to boot the tezro with the enermax psu freezes the machine, i think it has to do with the VRM.
I keep you updated with my experiments.
What id like to add:
The fans ive choosen are noctuas with 1800 rpm.
As i found the environmental specs of the tezro, telling that the warning rpm for the fans are at least 1500 - 1800 rpm, i thought they would be best.
Now i think the tezro dont give full power to them, because in L1 env they show around 1500 rpm.
Is there a way to tell her that she should always give full power to the fans?
Maybe i have to choose other ones that turn initially faster.
But guys i tell you - With all the noctua fans she is not really noticeable, except the whiny scsi disks, you know them
At last the forums are up again, thx

So i finally found my tezro on ebay by the end of nov 2014, maybe some of you followed the auction .
Finally she came after a month shipping through half the world on time to christmas

The auction stated that there is a gfx config error on boot up and its got 2GB ram.
Prior to bidding i found the post on the forums about the error, that its just missing the monitor plugged in.
In fact the machine ran great, and also has 8GB ram, wohoo (of which 2gb are disabled, but hey

Ran? Well, after booting her up for once and seeing everything is working, theres even the original irix installation on the disk.
I already got a plan regarding quieting the baby down. The fans were laying there for weeks to get built into the tezro, and so i started replacing the fans.
After 6 hours soldering i finally got everything back together. But something didnt work out quite well. Switched her on, wow, nice and almost unhearable....
But after ten seconds or so i got an error in the L1 display: "VRM not ok, vcpu #1...."
After looking around i think i found the broken part: The error message says it: The vrm plugged between the DIMMs seem to be cooked, shit.
I then thought about the PSU fan replacement maybe failed and i killed the psu... (Its one pice of sh*t to work with)
Well the psu works, and the currents seem to be ok (im an electronic noob, but i can measure currents, i think ^^).
I then fiddled around with the psu, opening, looking what may could be wrong (im still living, no panic ^^), building back the original fan in, replug, run, vrm message still there.......
I found the right VRMs on ebay and ordered six of it (oO), i think they will arrive tomorrow or wednesday.
Now the question is if i could trust the psu. In case it fails i got enough VRMs left, but you know....
I also fiddled around with other psus to get the baby running. You know, i waited since ten years to get one, and now its broken and its Dez 23. evening and fuck.
So i got the tezro working with my standard enermax psu......
With that in mind that a standard psu could work in the tezro, im thinking about replacing the whole psu with a silent and efficient platinum psu.
Two problems there: The 10 Pin 12V (CPU) connector and the i-dont-know-what-it-is-cables (5 Pin, like the old cd-rom audio cables) that seem to handle environment monitoring (because i dont have the vrm errors with the enermax psu and the tezro boots to the maintenance menu, and yes i know im crazy as fuck to even try this out).
The first problem is none, because you in example just take the PCIe connector for the graphics card and plug it in reverse besides the 8Pin 12V CPU connector you have on the standard psu.
Trying to boot the tezro with the enermax psu freezes the machine, i think it has to do with the VRM.
I keep you updated with my experiments.
What id like to add:
The fans ive choosen are noctuas with 1800 rpm.
As i found the environmental specs of the tezro, telling that the warning rpm for the fans are at least 1500 - 1800 rpm, i thought they would be best.
Now i think the tezro dont give full power to them, because in L1 env they show around 1500 rpm.
Is there a way to tell her that she should always give full power to the fans?
Maybe i have to choose other ones that turn initially faster.
But guys i tell you - With all the noctua fans she is not really noticeable, except the whiny scsi disks, you know them