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SGI: Video
Discreet both at NAB ...
SGI: Video
Discreet both at NAB 2005
Who joined March 17, 2004, 1:17 p.m.
Wrote the following at April 22, 2005, 8:29 p.m...
I took this at NAB, though you might all enjoy some geek porn fromt the Discreet (now Autodesk) booth.
From The Netherlands
Who joined March 20, 2004, 5:23 a.m.
Wrote the following at April 23, 2005, 12:27 a.m...
It looks like the same hardware as last years!
I can feel it, my mind is going ....
From Florida
Who joined Aug. 26, 2003, 12:27 p.m.
Wrote the following at April 23, 2005, 7:08 p.m...
geek porn...oh yeah
And then there's Intel-Outside's new avatar
From Brisbane Australia
Who joined April 25, 2003, 8:06 p.m.
Wrote the following at April 23, 2005, 10:15 p.m...
MMMMMM *Stones*
Makes my life somehow complete!
Who joined Sept. 2, 2003, 2:22 a.m.
Wrote the following at April 24, 2005, 4:34 a.m...
inferno/fire will running @Prism.
From Atlanta, GA
Who joined Oct. 19, 2003, 1:21 p.m.
Wrote the following at April 24, 2005, 7:27 a.m...
Where is the pictures of the SGI booth?
Always act incompetent, so they expect less of you and your job will be much easier.
From Los Angles
Who joined Oct. 9, 2004, 7:34 p.m.
Wrote the following at May 1, 2005, 10:56 p.m...
MMMMMMMMM SledgeHammer
The Entertainment Capital of Greater Los Angles