yetanother**ixuser wrote:
so dont get lazy, onward to porting the whole suit *gg*
Okay le, done, done, and kinda done ... a 'sperimental tardist is winging its way east even as we speak. It all works (I think. It's sort of hard to tell with that quirky software.)
It's not good enough to be nekoware, imo. So I made it a separate thing that installs under /opt/will_robinson/
It's all there (I hope) - source, patches, description of the process, the whole enchilada. I should have included a link to this thread, I guess ...
Much of the "suite" is not very useful now. I can't imagine anyone but a flagellante using that file manager, for instance. And Pathetic Writer is correctly named. But the spreadsheet is interesting - it uses scheme and guile and C and whatever else your heart may desire. So if someone else wants to get in there and get their hands dirty, at least this is a start. Maybe strip out the extra junk and just create a spreadsheet program out of it ? It's not so suitable for what I wanted so I am done with it ... but might be good for someone else.
miod : thanks for the better patch, I will try that and report back before I end this chapter of blundering around