I still don't have a GE16 in this bad boy, but it's been over a month, and I just wanted to say how much I LOVE this machine.
I know the benchmarks don't necessarily show that IR2 is faster than V12, but now that I have another monitor for my Octane2 and can see these machines do their thing side by side - the IR2 certainly seems to have an edge. It's silky smooth in areas that make my V12 stutter a bit - the Skyrocket screensaver, over certain areas of the Town demo, etc. If only my wife would let me have the Onyx2 *inside* the house - it'd be perfect!
Anyway, I just thought I'd share my joy in case anyone is on the fence about getting one. I haven't owned as much hardware as a lot of guys on this board, but I've had my fair share of non-SGI, and this Onyx2 is by far the coolest single piece of hardware I've ever owned, including the modern stuff. Of course, a *rack* (or two, or three...) might even be cooler.....