I was just at Mitsuwa in New Joisey yesterday... It's the first time I've felt like I was back in Japan since boarding the flight out of Narita... The selection at Mitsuwa makes every other asian grocer I've been to look like a half-stocked conbini... Dozens of varieties of miso, dozens of varieties of umeboshi, otoro, chutoro, fresh wasabi root (at $70/lb! so I only got a really small one), even kurogoma kurimu!
And the great thing about NJ is that liquor can be sold right next to non-alcoholic items (in contrast to NY, where you need your own store for liquor, or Canada, where do you not only need your own store for everything alcoholic, you can barely find even fuushu sake), and the selection was amazing. I picked up a bottle of goma shochu, a 1.5l sho chiku bai sake cask, and a 1.8l milk carton-type sake...
So, if anyone is ever in Manhattan and has a couple hours to spare, Mitsuwa is only like 20 minutes away, and very worthwhile...
No CHU-HI, though, unfortunately. Not sure why. It'd probably be a popular item. And no Deeppresso, either, but it's starting to push 3 years since I was in Japan, so that item was probably discontinued from Georgia's line-up and replaced with something else.


(<- quad R12k O200 w/GIGAchannel and ESI+Tex) plus a bunch of assorted standalone workstations...