Thanks for the input 'ShadeOfBlue', sure you are right, gamers that have no clue and just giving support to M$, let me write the last one, the dude that wrote the following is a 'switcher', that is, a dude that now has a Mac and previously a pc, to be honest I suspect he actually has also the pc and just bought the Mac to say 'hey, I also have a Mac' (plus, he has, not one!, but three xbox)

read 'carefully'
"you go anywhere with a 32 MB GPU, the optimization of the game does not care, put it on 1024*768 and see the textures, the game load the textures on the GPU, same goes with the game levels, they are loaded into the accelerator RAM, therefore Carmack (the Doom 3 dude) says the minimum amount actually to play games is 128 MB video RAM."
Later he says... "yes, you can create a game with only 32MB videoRAM, if the game is optimized, but, the graphics´ll be a piece of cr*p (Doom 3, Half Life 2, Far Cry)...
Now the great news... "Peecees use directX, Macs 'still' OpenGL, if there are games cancelled on the Mac is because OpenGL, if they port them to Mac, OpenGL sucks versus DirectX, so the game´ll look horrendous, and if they do the Mac game from zero, the game´ll totally sucks due to OpenGL."
The fact: OpenGL totally sucks... Give me a break!
Guess why the games I have on my Nintendo look so beatiful