I've already made a few random posts in other areas of the site but figured I should make a post.
I'm not actually an SGI user in any formal sense.. by day I'm a Windows and VMware guy, but for the last 12 years or so I've just had a strange attachment to old SGI's. I can't explain it. I don't really know a huge amount about IRIX (can just about get my way round) but always liked how the hardware looked, and loved the novelty of being able to buy this hardware that used to cost tens of thousands of dollars back in the 90's, for next to nothing.
I previously owned a fairly modest spec Indy (which I bought back in I think 2000 from Ian Mapleson) which was subsequently sold on to a friend after I moved and had no room for collecting stuff, but after another change in circumstances recently I acquired an Indigo2 from a friend of mine. I since sourced some new old stock Ultra320 SCSI disks from work and once again got in touch with Ian to pick up a converter / adaptor to connect it up to the Indigo2 drive sled so I could do a fresh install of Irix onto a new disk rather than using the knackered old one that was already in it. The I2 is currently refusing to work properly because of memory errors but that's something to sort for another time.
On and off I'm looking to acquire an Octane at some point (always really wanted one!), and to compliment my SGI box I've recently picked up a Apple PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5GHz (liquid cooled!) and a pretty tidy Apple PowerMac G4 Cube. I don't know exactly why I'm collecting this stuff or what I'll do with it - I suppose eventually I'll just donate it on to a computer museum or something, but it just feels such a shame to throw such interesting old hardware away!
I've already made a few random posts in other areas of the site but figured I should make a post.
I'm not actually an SGI user in any formal sense.. by day I'm a Windows and VMware guy, but for the last 12 years or so I've just had a strange attachment to old SGI's. I can't explain it. I don't really know a huge amount about IRIX (can just about get my way round) but always liked how the hardware looked, and loved the novelty of being able to buy this hardware that used to cost tens of thousands of dollars back in the 90's, for next to nothing.
I previously owned a fairly modest spec Indy (which I bought back in I think 2000 from Ian Mapleson) which was subsequently sold on to a friend after I moved and had no room for collecting stuff, but after another change in circumstances recently I acquired an Indigo2 from a friend of mine. I since sourced some new old stock Ultra320 SCSI disks from work and once again got in touch with Ian to pick up a converter / adaptor to connect it up to the Indigo2 drive sled so I could do a fresh install of Irix onto a new disk rather than using the knackered old one that was already in it. The I2 is currently refusing to work properly because of memory errors but that's something to sort for another time.
On and off I'm looking to acquire an Octane at some point (always really wanted one!), and to compliment my SGI box I've recently picked up a Apple PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5GHz (liquid cooled!) and a pretty tidy Apple PowerMac G4 Cube. I don't know exactly why I'm collecting this stuff or what I'll do with it - I suppose eventually I'll just donate it on to a computer museum or something, but it just feels such a shame to throw such interesting old hardware away!