Everything Else

Of failed handheld projects, fried Raspberry Pis and smoked DVD players - Page 2

A few quick pictures of the cardboard prototype. Plenty of ways to make this thinner, but for now all the electronics, voltage convertors, battery pack and LCD etc are all working well.

:Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Fuel: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP:
sgifanatic wrote: A few quick pictures of the cardboard prototype.

I think you just re-invented the netbook :P
Juliet ! the dice were loaded from the start ...
Simplified internal cabling and tried a simple plexi case:

:Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Fuel: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP:
Put together w glue for now. Will add side panels and replace glue and dowel spacers with bolts... Didn't have the correct length. Probably paint the plexi also.
:Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Fuel: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP:
A few changes:

:Octane2: :O2: :O2: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Indigo: :Fuel: :Indy: :Indy: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: