The collected works of richymx

Hi i hope some one can help me. i bought and evo card for octane by ebay, so arrived a couple months ago and about a week ago i installed it.
when starts and stop it for maintainance i use hinv and says i have evo card attached. but when start the system (6.5.22m) doesnt work. when open video panel, says that doesnt have "video daemon" and closes. so i dont know if i need special drivers, software, upgrade, downgrade or what. i originally installe 6.5.19, later upgraded to 6.5.21 and finally the web update to 6.5.22 when i had 6.5.19 i saw a patch for evo card on supportfolio i thinked was that, but start worry me when upgraded and didnt work, and more when upgrade again and still not working....

please some one can say me what can it be?



ps. please excuse my poor english :roll:
and the card runs fine? wich system version you have installed, and a final favor... its possible i get a copy of your software cd?

did an irix version came with the evo card? sgi says that you must install the irix version that cames with the card before installing it.

