The collected works of kitsune

congrats! i have the 15" model; nice machines.

like stated before, get x11 installed. then you can ssh into the onyx and display your windows on the mac. works better than vnc imo; more responsive.

a good place to pick up mac up hw and other stuff is otherworldcomputing. they have great prices and support is top-notch. load that mbp up with 4gb of ram for around $100. =)

802.11n really is much faster than g for large local file transfer too, especially if you plan on backing up to nas or such. apple's airport extreme gigabit also includes a usb port for disk drives and printers. fairly competitive price too compared with other n routers with the feature. i use time machine to backup to my nas, and it works great. if you have a spare external drive time machine is extremely functional and works very well.
i'm into it because of the hardware