The collected works of jerky

MultiPlatform single-sign on has been an obsession of mine for quite a while. Not too long ago I bought an octane and media from eBay. I've had some degree of success in getting it working(SSO that is). How far have you gotten and what's your end goal? LDAP logon via the Graphical console? did you get it working without SSL yet? My inital focus was on getting telnet/ssh working first. Below are my reaaaalllly rough notes on things that helped me(obviously they need to be fleshed out more). I didn't get SSL working yet(and hasn't been very important to me since I'm using LDAP in conjuction with KerberosV) I found the article at l to be helpful

This has been tested on an SGI Octane running IRIX 6.5.27
The first steps are to edit the two files /var/ns/ldap.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf
aftewards you can either:
nsadmin flush nsadmin restart
killall -HUP nsd
if you then issue:
id <ldap user name>
you should get back some info
next is Kerberos.