Hey, Must say this is a great site and resource. I'm new to the world of Irix. My first play toy is a 2100 with 8 350 cpus. I've been banging my head trying to figure out why this script will not run. All files have been unpacked into the same directory and have full permissions. However, upon execution it keeps coming back with frects0088.txt cannot open. And a few lines saying not found but I'm not sure what that is in ref to. I can open the .txt in an editor so it's not corrupt and I've replaced all the files several times. It's probably one of those silly simple things I'm not aware of yet...Please help...
The collected works of jaezeen
./run1.sh is what I started with but that returned me a command not found. However, success! Since I'm not that practiced at console I thought it would be easy to unpack the tar file on a windows box, I then burned the files to cd and dumped on the Irix box. Something must have gotten lost that way. I burned the untarred file onto disk and and with a little reading in the man pages unpacked on the SGI and then everything worked. However, it seems to be only using primarily one cpu. The first run was on 4 and then the second on 6. So the times where pretty slow? Thanks.
Ok, I spoke to soon. I get full activity on 2 cpus and 50% on two others starting at Run2 render 2. It's still running and I'll play around with changing the threads and make my own compile with mipspro when I get a chance. This is an interesting program to get started learning with. Thanks, I'll be digging into alot of the other stuff here as I get time

Thanks. I figured something like that happen and it's good to know exactly what for future reference. Especially, since there will be some more back and forth transfer from platforms in the future for me as I'll want to write on my laptop. The fractal program has special interest for me since I work in a closely allied field of wave boundary theory and so wish to learn to write similar programs. I'd be curious to know the function and parameters for the three fractals in the program.
Origin 2100 8Cpus @350Mhz 16Gb ram
Origin 2100 8Cpus @350Mhz 16Gb ram