The collected works of icebalm

Hi All! I've just recently acquired an SGI Fuel and at looking over the nekoware packages I'm interested in helping bring a lot of these up to date. My only question is how steadfast is the community about using the MIPSPro compilers? My understanding is that with gcc 4.7.1 the MIPS code generation is pretty tight? I will be porting some software for myself and I'd rather have these changes out in the community, but I have no way of getting the MIPSPro compilers.
:Fuel: nitro
I was able to source a copy of the MIPSPro 7.4.4 compilers, and this is my first submission. Why 2.33.14 you may ask? Well I needed a newer one than was in /beta to build some other software, and it was easy to build with the previous versions patch. :)
:Fuel: nitro
No idea yet if I can or not, so I'll keep it a surprise for now to not get peoples hopes up :)
:Fuel: nitro
I'm assuming the matte is alpha channel? wtf else would it be really used for? Do all your gimp image init before hand, and then maybe something like this?

Code: Select all

/* write out RGBM for each pixel */
guchar rowdata[width * 4];
for (x = rlb_head.window.left; x <= rlb_head.window.right; x++) {

if ((x < rlb_head.active_window.left) || (x > rlb_head.active_window.right)) {
fwrite(blank, 4, 1, out);
} else {
guint pos = 4 * (x - left);
rowdata[pos] = &red[x - left];
rowdata[pos+1] = &green[x - left];
rowdata[pos+2] = &blue[x - left];
rowdata[pos+3] = &matte[x - left];

/* write row to GIMP */
gimp_pixel_rgn_set_row(&pixel_rgn, &rowdata, 0, scan, width);
:Fuel: nitro
Ahh, ok, then change the lines to be:

Code: Select all

rowdata[pos] = *red[x - left];
rowdata[pos+1] = *green[x - left];
rowdata[pos+2] = *blue[x - left];
rowdata[pos+3] = *matte[x - left];
:Fuel: nitro