I may be interested in a graphics board, as mine are both dead. By the way, which recycler were they at?
The collected works of gordi813
Well, if you have any (and i mean any) gfx boards for these, i would be interested. I live out in W seattle.
I've got a Powerlite 110 sitting here, was working totally fine, it's got Solaris 2.5.1 on it, OBP 2.15. I let it sit unpowered for a bit and of course the NVRAM is dead. Now it thinks there's a password on it (there wasn't the last 20 times I booted it) and I am unsure how to remove said password. The NVRAM module is different from that in most Sun offerings, it's an M48T08-150PCI. It appears to be almost 100% pin-compatible with the standard M48T59Y-70 in the Sun Ultra series workstations. Aside from the difference in latency (70 vs 150ns) pin 1 is FT on the M48T59Y, with the M48T08 being INT. The T08 is apparently pin compatible with the Dallas DS1643, which lists pin 1 as NC. Is it worth a shot swapping its nvram out for that of an Ultra machine? I have some spares around in my dead ultras if so.

HP 712/60, 715/80, J6000 (16GB!)
IBM 43P-140
Sun SPARCstation IPX, SPARCstation 5
Apple Quadra 660av, PB540c, Pismo PBG3, PM8500, Radius 81/110
IBM Thinkpad 760ED, 765D (2x), 560X, T21
Thanks, I'll give it a shot tonight!

HP 712/60, 715/80, J6000 (16GB!)
IBM 43P-140
Sun SPARCstation IPX, SPARCstation 5
Apple Quadra 660av, PB540c, Pismo PBG3, PM8500, Radius 81/110
IBM Thinkpad 760ED, 765D (2x), 560X, T21
An update, in case anyone looks here. I didn't get a chance to swap the NVRAM modules out, as I powered it on today and the PROM Password prompt disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared.

HP 712/60, 715/80, J6000 (16GB!)
IBM 43P-140
Sun SPARCstation IPX, SPARCstation 5
Apple Quadra 660av, PB540c, Pismo PBG3, PM8500, Radius 81/110
IBM Thinkpad 760ED, 765D (2x), 560X, T21