The collected works of adi


I noticed that you had some nice tardists on your site :) I was wondering how hard it was to make these, and how I would go about it. This is because I would like to make and put up some tardists on my website . Things like Fluxbox for example, on the download site they have all the usual packages, and even a Sparc and Slackware version, but no irix one. Wouldent it be nice to get some more going?

This could be done by many, going so far to start a .tardist marathon, in which a few people see how many working tardists they can make or popular software.

The good thing about is that I dont pay for or do the hosting, and the amount thats downloaded off it per month is not an issue :)

Do you think this is a good or bad idea, input from all apprieciated :D
