I'm sure such a gadget exists, but I know nothing about the inner workings of vxworks and have nothing to complain about with my current router, so I'd do well enough to leave it alone
Sounds intersting, tho. If you muck around with it let me know how you get on.
Back to the OT, Mouser dropped the product in question. I'm not going to get into the politics of which 'arduino' is legitamite, it really doesn't matter now that I've educated myself on the issue, I guess. But it sure does peeve me off that they never changed the MPN or manufacturers code when they switched.
Basically, the manufacturer never changed. They stopped paying for the arduino license, and slightly modified their packaging and T&C's, then changed the firmware so it wouldn't work with the original software. So maybe mouser was right to not change the manfacturer ID, so I could use the same reorder number.
What a wierd situation. We had a similar issue when Deutsch was first bought by TE. Connectors would mate together but not seal, terminal locks would be loose and fall out or too tight and couldn't seat, etc. Our sales rep (the old guy from Ladd) blamed TE, TE blamed the distributor for shipping us counterfeit parts. We made them (TE) replace a couple $K worth of inventory and all was well in the end.
The automotive industry and supply chain, AFAICT, is worms all the way down. If you think a used car lot is scummy, wait until you get some schmuck from Idaho in your office trying to sell miniature relays or IGBTs or windshield wipers. God forbid they get your real phone number

"I was in Cincinnati visiting my client <large local company> and <former coworker or friend from university> said you could really use some <part I can get for 1/10 his price on alibaba, or otherwise have zero use for> and I see what you guys are doing here is very interesting and would you like some <product samples, useless swag, catalogs>. If you give me one of your cards I will call you every night at 7:15PM for the next 3 days until you block my number."
God bless Alibaba, and all of the Chinese vendors that live and die in it