Miscellaneous Operating Systems/Hardware

Taking the Loonix Dip.. - Page 2


ColiNux integrated with Windows XP , you can see a mobaxterm console, and Geany with a running shell
it's good if you want to integrated Understand with linux , or GHDL with Windows :D :D :D
hey oh? Swimming pool & Racing bicycle.
here it is another snapshot
hey oh? Swimming pool & Racing bicycle.
uunix wrote: I'm downloading UbuntuBSD

BSD != Linux

While both are considered 'unix-like', different kernels, different licenses, different philosophies...

Arch Linux + Awesome (dwm fork, keyboard driven window manager) have been my primary OS for a number of years. Arch is often described as "Linux kernel + package manager" and gives you a basic (rolling release model) linux system which you can entirely customize and apply your OS components to. The AUR (Arch User repository) is bristling with packages and in conjunction with pacman (Arch's package manager) provide easy management including dependencies etc.

Or to understand it all, build your own from scratch. http://linuxfromscratch.org/ , http://linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/

For Out of the Box (everything just works), I have experience with LinuxMint, and it does what it says. Even has most firefox plugins you could want for modern day browsing included already.

http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ , for creating live USB distros. Never had a problem.
Linux isn't my favorite but put me in the slackware+DWM camp. That combination tends to annoy me the least.

For making a usb install disk I have used https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/ with success.
Google: Don't Be Evil. Apple: Don't Be Greedy. Microsoft: Don't Be Stupid.