I have here C and C++ Compiler 7.3 CDs, a stack of IRIX base/foundation CDs of 6.5.12 vintage, and, for the sake of completeness, upgrades to MIPSPro_7.3.1.3m, and, of course 6.5.23 overlays. However, no matter what I open, I cant' install the interesting parts that are c_fe.sw.c and c++_fe.sw.c++, which require c++_dev.sw.c++ (127553910-1275539210) and c_dev.sw.c What's actually needed to install MIPSpro compilers?
IRIX and Software
WARNING - could not mpin memory [when I run lmdd]
You need the compiler backends.
Here is what a basic C 7.4 environment would need:
812-0757-004 IRIX Development Foundation 1.3
812-0924-002 Compiler Execution Environment 7.4
812-0707-004 MIPSPro C Compiler 7.4
I don't have any 7.3 compiler CDs handy at the moment, but it's much the same, though I think it uses IDF 1.2. Base IRIX 6.5 has IDF 1.1 which only works with MIPSpro 7.2.
Here is what a basic C 7.4 environment would need:
812-0757-004 IRIX Development Foundation 1.3
812-0924-002 Compiler Execution Environment 7.4
812-0707-004 MIPSPro C Compiler 7.4
I don't have any 7.3 compiler CDs handy at the moment, but it's much the same, though I think it uses IDF 1.2. Base IRIX 6.5 has IDF 1.1 which only works with MIPSpro 7.2.
Twitter: @neko_no_ko
IRIX Release 4.0.5 IP12 Version 06151813 System V
Copyright 1987-1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
nekonoko wrote:
You need the compiler backends.
Here is what a basic C 7.4 environment would need:
812-0757-004 IRIX Development Foundation 1.3
812-0924-002 Compiler Execution Environment 7.4
812-0707-004 MIPSPro C Compiler 7.4
I don't have any 7.3 compiler CDs handy at the moment, but it's much the same, though I think it uses IDF 1.2. Base IRIX 6.5 has IDF 1.1 which only works with MIPSpro 7.2.
Here is what a basic C 7.4 environment would need:
812-0757-004 IRIX Development Foundation 1.3
812-0924-002 Compiler Execution Environment 7.4
812-0707-004 MIPSPro C Compiler 7.4
I don't have any 7.3 compiler CDs handy at the moment, but it's much the same, though I think it uses IDF 1.2. Base IRIX 6.5 has IDF 1.1 which only works with MIPSpro 7.2.
correct. you need IDF 1.2 and IDL for 7.3. They are of course provided in your MIPSpro 7.3 media kit.
The preceding thoughts were brought to you by Jack Daniels.
cosmos wrote:
correct. you need IDF 1.2 and IDL for 7.3. They are of course provided in your MIPSpro 7.3 media kit.
Just as I thought. SGI sent me just the compiler and the prodev CDs, none of the foundation ones. Time to make up some reasons to get a developer plus account.
canavan wrote:
cosmos wrote:
correct. you need IDF 1.2 and IDL for 7.3. They are of course provided in your MIPSpro 7.3 media kit.
Just as I thought. SGI sent me just the compiler and the prodev CDs, none of the foundation ones. Time to make up some reasons to get a developer plus account.
i find this hard to believe since they are part of the same boxed media kit for mipspro 7.3
i also wonder why they are sending you 7.3 vs 7.4 but anyhow since you must have support
and paid for the product just open up a call and get your proper full kit.
i have had mis shipments from sgi before and a simple call corrected the issue with overnight shipping to boot.
now if you illegally purchased such items from ebay well now...

The preceding thoughts were brought to you by Jack Daniels.
I've run lmdd many times to evaluate disk performance (under 6.5.17), but when I put together a new origin 2100 server (6.5.22), I cannot get lmdd to run without an error:
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [39]> lmdd of=/mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs/tiffiles.00001.tif bs=12m move=500m direct=1
* * * WARNING - could not mpin memory * * *
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [40]> hinv
8 250 MHZ IP27 Processors
CPU: MIPS R10000 Processor Chip Revision: 3.4
FPU: MIPS R10010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 3.4
Main memory size: 7168 Mbytes
Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes
Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 4 Mbytes
Integral SCSI controller 98: Version Fibre Channel QL2200
Disk drive: unit 0 on SCSI controller 98
Integral SCSI controller 99: Version Fibre Channel QL2200
Disk drive: unit 0 on SCSI controller 99
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 2 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 3 on SCSI controller 0
CDROM: unit 6 on SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 1: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended
CDROM: unit 7 on SCSI controller 1
Integral SCSI controller 2: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
Integral SCSI controller 3: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
Integral SCSI controller 4: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
Integral SCSI controller 5: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
IOC3/IOC4 serial port: tty1
IOC3/IOC4 serial port: tty2
Gigabit Ethernet: eg0, module 1, XIO slot io7, firmware version 12.4.10
Integral Fast Ethernet: ef0, version 1, module 1, slot io1, pci 2
Origin BASEIO board, module 1 slot 1: Revision 4
Origin MSCSI board, module 1 slot 9: Revision 3
IOC3/IOC4 external interrupts: 1
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [41]> top
******note - just checking memory usage here*******
IRIX64 shortstuff 6.5 IP27 load averages: 1.00 1.00 0.84 13:35:06
41 processes: 40 sleeping, 1 running
8 CPUs: 99.8% idle, 0.0% usr, 0.2% ker, 0.0% wait, 0.0% xbrk, 0.0% intr
Memory: 7168M max, 7029M avail, 5781M free, 128M swap, 128M free swap
1719 1719 root 20 2400K 1712K run/0 0:00 0.3 0.24 top
1401 1399 grant 20 6688K 2976K sleep 0:01 0.0 0.05 sshd
257 257 root 20 2432K 1744K sleep 0:00 0.1 0.01 nsd
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [42]> uname -R
6.5 6.5.22f
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [43]>
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [39]> lmdd of=/mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs/tiffiles.00001.tif bs=12m move=500m direct=1
* * * WARNING - could not mpin memory * * *
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [40]> hinv
8 250 MHZ IP27 Processors
CPU: MIPS R10000 Processor Chip Revision: 3.4
FPU: MIPS R10010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 3.4
Main memory size: 7168 Mbytes
Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes
Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 4 Mbytes
Integral SCSI controller 98: Version Fibre Channel QL2200
Disk drive: unit 0 on SCSI controller 98
Integral SCSI controller 99: Version Fibre Channel QL2200
Disk drive: unit 0 on SCSI controller 99
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 2 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 3 on SCSI controller 0
CDROM: unit 6 on SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 1: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), single ended
CDROM: unit 7 on SCSI controller 1
Integral SCSI controller 2: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
Integral SCSI controller 3: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
Integral SCSI controller 4: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
Integral SCSI controller 5: Version QL1040B (rev. 2), differential
IOC3/IOC4 serial port: tty1
IOC3/IOC4 serial port: tty2
Gigabit Ethernet: eg0, module 1, XIO slot io7, firmware version 12.4.10
Integral Fast Ethernet: ef0, version 1, module 1, slot io1, pci 2
Origin BASEIO board, module 1 slot 1: Revision 4
Origin MSCSI board, module 1 slot 9: Revision 3
IOC3/IOC4 external interrupts: 1
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [41]> top
******note - just checking memory usage here*******
IRIX64 shortstuff 6.5 IP27 load averages: 1.00 1.00 0.84 13:35:06
41 processes: 40 sleeping, 1 running
8 CPUs: 99.8% idle, 0.0% usr, 0.2% ker, 0.0% wait, 0.0% xbrk, 0.0% intr
Memory: 7168M max, 7029M avail, 5781M free, 128M swap, 128M free swap
1719 1719 root 20 2400K 1712K run/0 0:00 0.3 0.24 top
1401 1399 grant 20 6688K 2976K sleep 0:01 0.0 0.05 sshd
257 257 root 20 2432K 1744K sleep 0:00 0.1 0.01 nsd
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [42]> uname -R
6.5 6.5.22f
root @ lucky7 : /mounts/shortstuff/terratwo/dpx_tiffs [43]>
I saw it on TV, it must be real!
I never ran lmdd, but i always use diskperf which does the job just fine. Just gave lmdd a spin and it looks like more of a general timing I/O benchmark program than a disk performance analyzer tool.
IMO ditch lmdd usage for disk performance numbers and go for diskperf instead.
IMO ditch lmdd usage for disk performance numbers and go for diskperf instead.
I could also use IOzone. I had used lmdd reliably for ages - Is this perhaps a symptom of another problem? I want to fix what's broken here.
I saw it on TV, it must be real!
I am pleased to announce the release of FlightGear v0.9.4.
It is available for free download from:
The IRIX binary is available at:
FlightGear is a free, open-source, multi-platform flight simulator.
The source code is licensed under the GPL.
Precompiled packaged versions are available for most platforms including Windows,
Linux, Sgi, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
The IRIX version now lives in the standard conformal /opt/FlightGear-0.9.4 directory
and has optimized versions of the main program for mips3/R4k and for mips4/R10k.
Here are a few of the highlights from this release:
- Ability to fetch weather conditions in real-time from the NOAA web site.
- Working VASI/PAPI lights.
- Ability to fly under bridges, taxi into hangers, etc.
- Added a tool to facilitate installing additional scenery chunks.
- Many updated textures and models.
- The San Francisco area has been vastly improved.
- Several new aircraft were added (Comper Swift, Hawker Hunter, and T37 Tweet)
and most of the existing aircraft have been improved in various ways.
- A built in scripting language.
- Updated aircraft AI and ATC modules.
- Complete overhaul of the autopilot system.
For more information on the FlightGear project, please visit our web
page at:
You can view a summary of the new features, changes, and bug fixes for
this release here:
It is available for free download from:
The IRIX binary is available at:
FlightGear is a free, open-source, multi-platform flight simulator.
The source code is licensed under the GPL.
Precompiled packaged versions are available for most platforms including Windows,
Linux, Sgi, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
The IRIX version now lives in the standard conformal /opt/FlightGear-0.9.4 directory
and has optimized versions of the main program for mips3/R4k and for mips4/R10k.
Here are a few of the highlights from this release:
- Ability to fetch weather conditions in real-time from the NOAA web site.
- Working VASI/PAPI lights.
- Ability to fly under bridges, taxi into hangers, etc.
- Added a tool to facilitate installing additional scenery chunks.
- Many updated textures and models.
- The San Francisco area has been vastly improved.
- Several new aircraft were added (Comper Swift, Hawker Hunter, and T37 Tweet)
and most of the existing aircraft have been improved in various ways.
- A built in scripting language.
- Updated aircraft AI and ATC modules.
- Complete overhaul of the autopilot system.
For more information on the FlightGear project, please visit our web
page at:
You can view a summary of the new features, changes, and bug fixes for
this release here:
Very nice! Thanks.
just wondering if anyone has real-world numbers on flightgear's performance.
i've just browsed through the info that was linked from the official page and from what was written there, even a relatively "newish" octane2 v6 didn't manage to score more than 10 fps in their benchmark. let alone onyx2 or systems comparable to what i have at home (max impact R10k) which seem to score at astonishing 2 - 3 fps.
i've just browsed through the info that was linked from the official page and from what was written there, even a relatively "newish" octane2 v6 didn't manage to score more than 10 fps in their benchmark. let alone onyx2 or systems comparable to what i have at home (max impact R10k) which seem to score at astonishing 2 - 3 fps.
GIJoe wrote: just wondering if anyone has real-world numbers on flightgear's performance.
i've just browsed through the info that was linked from the official page and from what was written there, even a relatively "newish" octane2 v6 didn't manage to score more than 10 fps in their benchmark. let alone onyx2 or systems comparable to what i have at home (max impact R10k) which seem to score at astonishing 2 - 3 fps.
This information is based on the results of a survey I held a few months back. There wasn't much response though. But you have to keep in mind that these numbers are for the default startup locaton only. The rates can be much higher when starting in other regions.
I have to admit the numbers aren't spectacular, but this is what sgi hardware can give I guess. My hopes are that the latest ATI based graphics adapters give much better numbers (comparable to PC based graphics adapters).
There are some trick to speed FlightGear up a bit, one of them is renaming the data/Textures.high directory to data/Textures.unused. Other tricks are described on the performance page.
Just tried running it on an Octane R12k-300 with MXE, though I haven't tweaked much (pretty much default config). Seems to be pretty slow with a lot of textures and ground objects, but tweaked it'd probably run OK. Without a lot of clutter it seemed to run pretty good... hate to compare it with this box (Athlon 2.4, overclocked). And I suspect that I've got the texturing set wrong too.
Now about those holes in the ground...
Now about those holes in the ground...
cosmos wrote:
canavan wrote:
cosmos wrote:
correct. you need IDF 1.2 and IDL for 7.3. They are of course provided in your MIPSpro 7.3 media kit.
Just as I thought. SGI sent me just the compiler and the prodev CDs, none of the foundation ones. Time to make up some reasons to get a developer plus account.
i find this hard to believe since they are part of the same boxed media kit for mipspro 7.3
i also wonder why they are sending you 7.3 vs 7.4 but anyhow since you must have support and paid for the product just open up a call and get your proper full kit.
i have had mis shipments from sgi before and a simple call corrected the issue with overnight shipping to boot.
now if you illegally purchased such items from ebay well now...

BZZZZTTT.... All wrong, cosmos. Not a single paragraph there that't even half correct (well the one about the overnight shipment sounds plausible). Well, they sent me 7.3 ages ago, before 7.4 was released. And I'll leave it as a simple exercise to you to find out why they would send out some CDs without knowing what other CDs I might have.
Btw, your knowledge about european or to be more specific, german copyright seems to be rather lacking. It wouldn't even be illegal if I bought them on ebay.
BZZZZTTT.... All wrong, cosmos. Not a single paragraph there that't even half correct (well the one about the overnight shipment sounds plausible). Well, they sent me 7.3 ages ago, before 7.4 was released. And I'll leave it as a simple exercise to you to find out why they would send out some CDs without knowing what other CDs I might have.
Btw, your knowledge about european or to be more specific, german copyright seems to be rather lacking. It wouldn't even be illegal if I bought them on ebay.[/quote]
you must be correct. sgi is in the business of screwing its support customers and not shipping the appropriate media. i am sure you called your rep to report the missing cds and rectify the situation imeediately right? oddly enough every 7.3 compiler kit sent to us was complete including the 1.2 foundation needed for 7.3. we have even requested replacement copies due
to damage and they have always arrived the following day. in short i've never been left
to look elsewhere for media as a support customer.
as for germany...well i could give a fuck less about german copyright law. put your location in your profile next time champ if you would like others to infer how things relate to your particular situation.
ithe bottom line is that if you were a support customer you should not have to post here about missing cds etc, a simple phone call will rectify the situation. otherwise keep searching ebay and good luck to you.
BZZZZTTT.... All wrong, cosmos. Not a single paragraph there that't even half correct (well the one about the overnight shipment sounds plausible). Well, they sent me 7.3 ages ago, before 7.4 was released. And I'll leave it as a simple exercise to you to find out why they would send out some CDs without knowing what other CDs I might have.
Btw, your knowledge about european or to be more specific, german copyright seems to be rather lacking. It wouldn't even be illegal if I bought them on ebay.[/quote]
you must be correct. sgi is in the business of screwing its support customers and not shipping the appropriate media. i am sure you called your rep to report the missing cds and rectify the situation imeediately right? oddly enough every 7.3 compiler kit sent to us was complete including the 1.2 foundation needed for 7.3. we have even requested replacement copies due
to damage and they have always arrived the following day. in short i've never been left
to look elsewhere for media as a support customer.
as for germany...well i could give a fuck less about german copyright law. put your location in your profile next time champ if you would like others to infer how things relate to your particular situation.
ithe bottom line is that if you were a support customer you should not have to post here about missing cds etc, a simple phone call will rectify the situation. otherwise keep searching ebay and good luck to you.
The preceding thoughts were brought to you by Jack Daniels.
This is getting a bit personal -- I'm locking the thread.