IRIX and Software

PicoLisp ported to IRIX


Public announce. Happy coding. ... 05963.html

Excellent work, Mike! I will pass the info to our forum-lisp-devotee Hakimoto, he will be most pleased.
:Crimson: :PI: :Indigo: :O2: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :O200: :O2000: :Onyx2:
Thanks, Mike! I appreciate when people are willing to make the effort to bring new software to our obscure little Unix platform (and I'm glad my Fuel could do a good deed, even if the hard drive failed the first time around :) )
:Indigo2IMP: :O2: :Fuel: Image 8/E Image 8/M (1973) Image 8/M (1975)