SGI: Discussion

Just can't seem to stay away...

I pop in from time to time, disappear, come back, etc.

Recently I've been getting the itch to play with some retro computers and suddenly it hit me. DUH I have a V6 Octane sitting under my desk.

Going to fire it up tonight, get an hinv, and see what I can do about some upgrades (somewhat limited until I get an XBow 1.4 I fear)...I honestly can't even remember what's on there, other than Irix 6.5.something and a half-ported version of a retro RPG my company made, trying to get it working on Irix to share with all of you.

Expect a small flurry of me trying to remember everything / catch up on what's changed in the past year or two :)
well welcome back then! always good to have the "old" guys around ... or coming back :D
I can emphasise. I went through a period of nearly 7 years without booting up an SGI machine (busy with changing jobs, moving house several times, family etc), then caught the bug again 18 months ago :)
Systems in use:
:Fuel: - Lithium : R14000 600MHz CPU, 4GB RAM, V10 Graphics, 36GB 15k HDD & 300GB 10k HDD, New/quiet fans, IRIX 6.5.30
:Indigo2IMP: - Nitrogen : R10000 195MHz CPU, 384MB RAM, SolidIMPACT Graphics, 36GB 15k HDD & 300GB 10k HDD, New/quiet fans, IRIX 6.5.22
Other systems in storage: :O2: x 2, :Indy: x 2
I suppose at least this time I kept my machines...

O2 sitting in the corner (no clue what's installed on it or if it even boots...I THINK I just used it for the CDRom to net-install onto my Octane) and my V6 Octane that I can't remember the specs of (I should search the hinv board here...I'm sure I posted it at some point).

Also just had a blast reading over the MPlayer 1.0pre5 posts from TEN YEARS AGO that I worked on...crazy.