That's one nice looking O2(+)
There's a sticker on the bottom, if it says "O2+" I'd call it that whatever color it has. See: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=16724522&p=7333359

ivelegacy wrote: my be I am wrong the in title, O2+? O2/R12K?
There's a sticker on the bottom, if it says "O2+" I'd call it that whatever color it has. See: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=16724522&p=7333359

To accentuate the special identity of the IRIS 4D/70, Silicon Graphics' designers selected a new color palette. The machine's coating blends dark grey, raspberry and beige colors into a pleasing harmony. ( IRIS 4D/70 Superworkstation Technical Report )