In fact, it would be interesting for the lab I work in, the problem is that Ebay is officially not the best source to buy this kind of HPC stuff (I think that we are not even allowed to use it) and then we would have to pay the collection of the monster, install it, make space in the datacenter, check if it still has some support from SGI and bla, bla, bla. At the end it is just easier to use one of the clusters we have available, they are much more powerful as well. I would love to have it from a pure hobbyist point of view but keeping it on would be extremely expensive. Moreover, you cannot have this in a normal room because of the heat and the noise level (even if you manage to plug it).
All in all, I think that I understand why the price is so cheap. It is not be best option for an institute or a company and it is a bit crazy to have it just for fun, it would cost like 1200 pounds per month to keep it running 24/7, and I am not even considering the amount of money that would be required to keep the room cool enough
