My last SGI
More than 2 years have passed and i didn't had time to power-it on so i'm selling-it and i hope that whoever gets it will have fun with it.
36Gb HDD
VINO module is toast
Original front plastic buttons are missing
RTC battery might be on its last legs (i can try adding a external one if you want)
Sony PSU with fan power mod
- DIN8-DB6 serial adapter
- 13w3-VGA adapter
- About 25 jewel and cardboard CD cases with original booklets (SGI, HotMix, IndyZone. It's not allowed to sell software here, so i won't list the actual CD's, just the cases)
Price: 100 Romanian LEI or 25 EUR.
Location: Bucharest, Romania, Eastern Europe.
I preffer local pickup.
Reply or PM for details.

More than 2 years have passed and i didn't had time to power-it on so i'm selling-it and i hope that whoever gets it will have fun with it.
Code: Select all
micu:~# hinv -vm
CPU: MIPS R4600 Processor Chip Revision: 1.0
FPU: MIPS R4600 Floating Point Coprocessor Revision: 0.0
1 100 MHZ IP22 Processor
Main memory size: 192 Mbytes
Instruction cache size: 16 Kbytes
Data cache size: 16 Kbytes
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version WD33C93B, revision D
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0 (unit 1)
On-board serial ports: 2
On-board bi-directional parallel port
Graphics board: Indy 8-bit
Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1
Integral ISDN: Basic Rate Interface unit 0, revision 1.0
Iris Audio Processor: version A2 revision 4.1.0
Vino video: unit 0, revision 0
micu:~# /usr/gfx/gfxinfo
Graphics board 0 is "NG1" graphics.
Managed (":0.0") 1280x1024
8 bitplanes, NG1 revision 3, REX3 revision B, VC2 revision A
MC revision C, xmap9 revision A, cmap revision C, bt445 revision A
Display 1280x1024 @ 72Hz, monitor id 15
36Gb HDD
VINO module is toast
Original front plastic buttons are missing
RTC battery might be on its last legs (i can try adding a external one if you want)
Sony PSU with fan power mod
- DIN8-DB6 serial adapter
- 13w3-VGA adapter
- About 25 jewel and cardboard CD cases with original booklets (SGI, HotMix, IndyZone. It's not allowed to sell software here, so i won't list the actual CD's, just the cases)
Price: 100 Romanian LEI or 25 EUR.
Location: Bucharest, Romania, Eastern Europe.
I preffer local pickup.
Reply or PM for details.