I wonder how fast a diskless setup goes, with a 10Mbit/sec built-in connection, and if I can make it "stripped" in order to reduce the data-transfer.
I also wonder how good is linux/X11 with a modern Xorg package, I played linux on IP22 in 2005 at my university unix lab (currently RIP, replace with linux/PC), there was a linux kernel 2.2, and completely different packages (Xorg has changed a lot)
In this case, I wonder how much smart is to look for a striped-ram-rootfs with an MIPS3-BE-softfloat-uclibc (the lighter ever) version of the whole rootfs (if my builder will build)
the purpose is: using IP22 as X11/Xterm (WM~=Fluxbox?)
I wonder how fast a diskless setup goes, with a 10Mbit/sec built-in connection, and if I can make it "stripped" in order to reduce the data-transfer.
I also wonder how good is linux/X11 with a modern Xorg package, I played linux on IP22 in 2005 at my university unix lab (currently RIP, replace with linux/PC), there was a linux kernel 2.2, and completely different packages (Xorg has changed a lot)
In this case, I wonder how much smart is to look for a striped-ram-rootfs with an MIPS3-BE-softfloat-uclibc (the lighter ever) version of the whole rootfs (if my builder will build)
the purpose is: using IP22 as X11/Xterm (WM~=Fluxbox?)
I wish I could enter into the
vegetable garden
William Gibson
, on the right of a director, to decide how a film is ultimately released for public viewing, but I am not a nor
Cyberpunk writer
neither a dude in
, and my *
flawless English
* still looks like an old rusty trailer which needs a fix-up, so my personal
begins with a pill ... tumbling down the
rabbit hole
, where the sky above the router port is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel and some gears still need a debugger there.