SGI: Hardware

Octane flashing red bar


Got this once before. The SGI doco indicates that this is either CPU or memory.

Had a dual 400 Mhz CPU for a few years then got this. Changed the RAM and had some success.

Then installed a dual 600Mhz CPU and things were wotcking along.

The dreaded flashing bar returned and now I can't boot this thing at all.

I tried swapping back to the dual 400Mhz CPU - no dice

Tried swapping the memory again - no dice.

I am thinking motherboard ?? Does anyoe have any other diagnostics that might help narrow things down as I seem to be in a swap out/swap in mode which is becoming costly.

competentcompton wrote:
Does anyoe have any other diagnostics that might help narrow things down.....

The flashing red LED makes it sound like your Octane attempted to run through power-on diagnostics. Have you started up your Octane with a serial terminal connected to see what is failing POD?

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