You'd have to fool the system's environmental management into thinking your fans are connected and working - otherwise, it should be just like water-cooling any other computer system (replace the existing heat sinks with water blocks, build in a radiator and pump, check for leaks, go). Fabricating entirely new water blocks that are safe and watertight is usually not easy, but I suspect you could just take a water block for something else and make it fit without too much work.
There's not much "trickery" to water-cooling - it really is a very physical, "what you see is what you get" pursuit, so if you can make everything fit together and not leak all over it'll certainly work.
A Tezro is a mighty expensive system (still :/ ) to be playing around with this sort of thing on though - if you've never done a watercooling project before it might not be the place to start (in case you accidentally introduce a leak, etc).
I would pursue the newest, quietest fans before I went "all out" and built a water-cooling rig.