SGI: Hardware

working ibm seagate drives non working in IRIX

I've run seatools on these, they passed, they worked in windows. this happened before and after I formatted them with seatools.

ioconfig : scsi_ctlr_walk_fn : cannot open the file: /hw/node/io/pci/2/scsi_ctlr/1/target/1/lun/0/disk/volume/char : I / O error

dksc1s1vol : no sense : (asc=0x0, asa=0x0)

system logs also keep telling me reboot after reboot that it's moving config files.

I guess over the weekend I'll try them in my octane, and try formatting them in linux and then moving them back to the O2.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or experience with this?

I've seen weird stuff with IBM-branded drives in the past as well. Something to do with the customized firmware. The only thing you might be able to try is to have SeaTools reset the drive to its defaults.

If you post the Seagate model number, I'll check to see if I can set you up with the equivalent NetApp firmware, which will still leave you with an OEM drive, but at least it'll work under IRIX.

:O2000R: (<-EMXI/IO6G) :O200: :O200: :O200: (<- quad R12k O200 w/GIGAchannel and ESI+Tex) plus a bunch of assorted standalone workstations...
fantastic, thanks a lot. let me check, I think it's a ST336752LW, but it could be a ST336732LW. I'll check tomorrow, the label is an IBM X series.
yep, ST336752lw
Ok, dont try this if there is anything important on that drive, but....

I got that message with a drive I had connected to my octane via an external case. I found if I switched the disk off immediately upon seeing that message, then turned it on after about a second, IRIX would continue booting (with error messages) and I could mount it ok and get my files off it.
Sorry, looks like I only have firmware for Seagate 10k SCSI drives, not 15k SCSI drives. There's not much more I can offer, except to say that I've run into this problem before as well, and just used a different drive... Fortunately, SCSI drives of that capacity are rather cheap, so you should be able to find something else that will work.

:O2000R: (<-EMXI/IO6G) :O200: :O200: :O200: (<- quad R12k O200 w/GIGAchannel and ESI+Tex) plus a bunch of assorted standalone workstations...
The Keeper wrote: Sorry, looks like I only have firmware for Seagate 10k SCSI drives, not 15k SCSI drives. There's not much more I can offer, except to say that I've run into this problem before as well, and just used a different drive... Fortunately, SCSI drives of that capacity are rather cheap, so you should be able to find something else that will work.


Thanks a lot, I'll try getting the firmware through seagate. knowing that it's the firmware that's the problem saved me from a lot of fruitless troubleshooting.
Do you happen to have firmware packages for ST3146707LC or ST373307LC?
TeeTylerToe wrote: Thanks a lot, I'll try getting the firmware through seagate. knowing that it's the firmware that's the problem saved me from a lot of fruitless troubleshooting.

That won't work, actually. The drive you have is loaded with OEM firmware, and you can't load generic firmware on top of an OEM drive.

Upon further examination, it appears that I don't actually have many firmware files for Seagate SCSI drives after all. Only the 5th generation 10k drives, such as the ST336605LC and the 73GB variant. I've got a bunch of files for various FC drives in the 10k and 15k space, but NetApp didn't do much with SCSI drives.

:O2000R: (<-EMXI/IO6G) :O200: :O200: :O200: (<- quad R12k O200 w/GIGAchannel and ESI+Tex) plus a bunch of assorted standalone workstations...