Nekochan Net

PMs seem inert

i’m experiencing some funny behaviour with PMs

i haven’t received any notification for the last 3 years or so. i changed my email address under my profile, but i still see messages i’ve read (long time now) being displayed as new/unread

i guess pete updated things here as the ui looks different to me, are there any PM-related gotchas?
Hi Fu,

I've rejoined last oktober and i haven't experienced your described behavior, but then my email hasn't changed. I'll send you a test PM to make sure that that is working.
:Crimson: :PI: :Indigo: :O2: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :O200: :O2000: :Onyx2:
hi dex

no didn’t receive an email notification for your PM. i just logged in and saw it in the right-corner of the dashboard (or whatever its called)
cp.png (10.33 KiB) Viewed 188 times

i used to get notifications for both (threads+pm) but the last one I got (it was a thread notification) was 3 years ago. i usually have long pauses here but the notifications would show up in my inbox.

just trying to ping some ‘chaners and hear how they’re doing.
They're definitely getting delivered - I see a response coming back from your mail server. I've changed your e-mail address below to hide it, but otherwise this is the output from the log:

Code: Select all

Mar  3 00:52:22 sachiko postfix/smtp[79430]: E38C2155C73C: to=<[email protected]>,[]:25, delay=6.1, delays=0.04/0.02/1.6/4.4, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Requested mail action okay, completed: id=0LsQxM-1ZvM8S0pGy-01240G)
Twitter: @neko_no_ko
IRIX Release 4.0.5 IP12 Version 06151813 System V
Copyright 1987-1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
thanks for looking into it pete

funny. i changed that gmx email address thinking it was the one to blame but it is still there in my profile

my PMs seem to go through and i also receive replies. i just have to log-in to get notifications for either PMs or topics

anyway, as long as everyone is ok there’s not much to worry about.