Nekochan Net

Smilies question...?(solved)

I have a question on the management of computer smilies:
I put in the posts below the pictures of my systems using the [img] from my profile to "edit signature", 'cause when I go over it with the mouse appears "image" and not "the name of the system"?
If someone can 'explain where I'm wrong. :)
The icons are set up as BBCode smilies here on Nekochan, so there is no need to use an img tag. Just use the appropriate code for your systems from this list -
:Cube:  :BA123:  :BA213:  :BA215:  :hpserv:  :pdp8e:  :rx2600:  :zx6000:  :320:  :540:  :1600SW:  :O2:  :O2+:  :Indigo:  :Octane2:  :Octane:  :Tezro:  :Indigo2:  :Indigo2IMP:  :Indy:  :Fuel:  :PI:  :O200:  :4D220VGX:  :4D70G:  :4D70GT:  :4D310:  :ChallengeL:  :Crimson:  :IRIS2400:  :IRIS3130:  :PWRSeries:  :Onyx:  :O2000:  :Onyx2:  :O2000R:  :O2000E:  :Onyx2R:  :Onyx2RE:  :Onyx2RM:  :O3200:  :O3000:  :metarouter:  :PrismDT:  :PrismDS:  :PrismR:  :PrismRE:  :AltixDS:  :A3000R:  :A3000RE:  :O3x0:  :O3x02L:  :O3x03R:  :O3x04R:  :O3x05R:  :O3x06R:  :O3x07R:  :O3x08R:  :A350:  :A3502L:  :A3503L:  :A3504L:  :A3508R:  :A350R:  :A350RE:  :ChallengeXL:  :OnyxR:  :Skywriter:
which produces this:

:Cube: :BA123: :BA213: :BA215: :hpserv: :pdp8e: :rx2600: :zx6000: :320: :540: :1600SW: :O2: :O2+: :Indigo: :Octane2: :Octane: :Tezro: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indy: :Fuel: :PI: :O200: :4D220VGX: :4D70G: :4D70GT: :4D310: :ChallengeL: :Crimson: :IRIS2400: :IRIS3130: :PWRSeries: :Onyx: :O2000: :Onyx2: :O2000R: :O2000E: :Onyx2R: :Onyx2RE: :Onyx2RM: :O3200: :O3000: :metarouter: :PrismDT: :PrismDS: :PrismR: :PrismRE: :AltixDS: :A3000R: :A3000RE: :O3x0: :O3x02L: :O3x03R: :O3x04R: :O3x05R: :O3x06R: :O3x07R: :O3x08R: :A350: :A3502L: :A3503L: :A3504L: :A3508R: :A350R: :A350RE: :ChallengeXL: :OnyxR: :Skywriter:

While there is probably some more direct way of doing it, you can always see the full list of smilies by replying to a message, clicking on " View more smilies ", and navigating through the resulting pages.
Hi Josehill,thanks we have just done it! Perfect now I understand :D