
Sun Blade 1000

Hi all!

I have Sun Blade 1000 and want to make a maximum upgrade of this machine.

1) what is the differences between graphic cards - XVR-600, XVR-1000, XVR-2000?

2) is it right that Blade 1000 could use two UltraSPARC III Cu 1200 MHz simultaneously?

3) what type of memory and what is the maximum amount of RAM?

Can't answer any questions, but can tell you I had a blade 2000 anniversary, and have an XVR-[something] board, + PCi 3 + 2 900 Mhz CPUs etc etc... I will have a look in the shed if your interested.

My fence panel has blown out, so I have to go in the garden anyway..
Hey Ho! Pip & Dandy!
:Octane2: :Octane2: :O2: :Indy: loft => :Indigo: :540: :Octane: :Octane: :Indy:
BTW.. I don't keep spare parts in the Garden honest.. they are in a garage at top of garden.
Hey Ho! Pip & Dandy!
:Octane2: :Octane2: :O2: :Indy: loft => :Indigo: :540: :Octane: :Octane: :Indy:
I don't have any UltraSparc machines, but it seems like the answers to your questions are: the Blade 1000 can use 1200 MHz CPUs if it has a high enough OBP revision and (maybe) a late model motherboard.
the XVR-600 and XVR-1200 are 3DLabs graphic cards with Sun firmware, and the XVR-1000 is an in-house Sun card. of those, the XVR-1000 has the most memory and is a UPA card (so there can be up to two in a Blade 1000). the others are PCI cards.
The SB-1000 uses eight 232-pin PC-100 ECC DIMMs, with a maximum memory of 8GB.
:PI: :O2: :Indigo2IMP: :Indigo2IMP:
XVR-1000 is based on Sun's MAJC VLIW processor. i have a vague suspicion that it was put in graphics boards after it failed to be the game-changing CPU that was originally expected.

Performance was generally fairly underwhelming compared to other graphics options, outside of specific cases, although anti-aliasing performance was very high and the 1000 and 4000 definitely had gobs of RAM.
XVR500 I have
Hey Ho! Pip & Dandy!
:Octane2: :Octane2: :O2: :Indy: loft => :Indigo: :540: :Octane: :Octane: :Indy:
ultra-coriolis wrote: Hi all!

I have Sun Blade 1000 and want to make a maximum upgrade of this machine.

1) what is the differences between graphic cards - XVR-600, XVR-1000, XVR-2000?

2) is it right that Blade 1000 could use two UltraSPARC III Cu 1200 MHz simultaneously?

3) what type of memory and what is the maximum amount of RAM?


The XVR1000 uses a custom chipset developed by Sun and has some drawbacks regarding OpenGL features
some features or extensions are emulated in software so performance in some applications can be severely
Performance is sub par in blender compared to the WildCat based XVR600 and XVR1200

The XVR 600 has roughly half the processing abilities than the XVR1200, to sum it up the XVR 1200 is basically
two 600's on a single card with dual DVI and frame lock.. RAM configuration details are as follows:
32 Mbytes of SDRAM display list memory
256 Mbytes of texture memory
128 Mbytes of frame buffer memory
The XVR600:
32 Mbytes of DDR display list memory
32 Mbytes of texture memory
64 Mbytes of frame buffer memory

to get the best out of the XVR1200 a simple mod is required to install it in the 66mhz pci-x slot (last and bottom end pci-x slot) on the Blade 1000/2000.
It requires you to remove the fan assembly and the frame lock/sync portion of the card.

I have a SB2000 with two 1200mhz cpus and 8GB RAM, the 1000 and 2000 have exactly the same motherboard.
So using a pair of the UltraSPARC III Cu 1200 MHz CPUs should not pose an issue, just update firmware prior to swapping
them out.

As for RAM .. 16GB should be the maximum .. well .. what I've seen , but i doubt you'll have use for more than 8GB
MAYA, nut-
:Octane2: :Octane2: Octane 2 R14k 600 V12 4GB, Octane2 R14K 600 V10 1GB ,
:Onyx2: :Onyx2: Onyx2 IR3 4GB Quad R14K 500 DIVO, Onyx2 IR Quad R12K 400 2GB,
:Indigo2: SGI Indigo 2 R8K75 TEAL Extreme 256MB,
:Indigo2IMP: SGI Indigo 2 R10K 195 Solid Impact 256MB, MAX Impact Pending
Apple G5 Quad, NV Quadro 4500 + 7800GT, 12GB RAM
Sun Blade 1000 Dual 900 XVR 1000 4GB
Sun Blade 2000 Dual 1200 XVR 1200 8GB
I've got several x7053A RAM kits (1GB per kit) for $5/kit plus S&H, if needed.
Then? :IRIS3130: ... Now? :O3x02L: :A3504L: - :A3502L: :1600SW: +MLA :Fuel: :Octane2: :Octane: :Indigo2IMP: ... Other: DEC :BA213: :BA123: Sun , DG AViiON , NeXT :Cube:
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