SGI: Video

SGI DM6 (DVS SDStationOEM) -- SDK Package?


SGI DMediaPro DM6 resource on the Nekochan Wiki is: ... I.2FO_card

In a forum post:

It is mentioned that DVS provided the DM6 SDK file named "sdio-sdk2.7p28.tar.gz".

Do we have this file archived anywhere? I see that the basic support package for DM6 (named 6.5.21_dmediapro_dm6_1.1.2.tar) has been archived on , but this DVS' file wasn't.

I've also looked through Nekochan FTP -- there is nothing with "sdio" in the name in it.

oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
devv wrote: I've also looked through Nekochan FTP -- there is nothing with "sdio" in the name in it.

Definitely not something I have anyplace, sorry about that.
Twitter: @neko_no_ko
IRIX Release 4.0.5 IP12 Version 06151813 System V
Copyright 1987-1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
I've also emailed DVS; no response yet.
oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
I did not receive a response from DVS, so I've registered for their "Video Boards Web", where one can find support and SDK files for various cards.

The VBW registration requires manual approval by DVS admins, and after a couple days I have received a note that SDStationOEM has been discontinued long ago and that the "Video Boards Web" does not contain SDKs for that card (and my registration was not approved).

However, DVS kindly offered to provide the files I need, if I specify what's needed. I've requested "sdio-sdk2.7p28.tar.gz" or any newer version that they might have.

We'll see what happens.
oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
DVS has kindly provided a link to file named sdk2.7p28.tar.Z.

I believe this filename "sdk2.7p28.tar.Z" is more correct than "sdio-sdk2.7p28.tar.gz" (the filename that was previously reported in the forums) because this SDK seems to have support for SDStationOEM, HDStationOEM and Centaurus boards.
(All three are PCI-X boards, and according to ... chive.html , Centaurus combines the features of SDBoard and HDBoard).

The top of the SDK README states "This is a combined Beta SDK release for SDBoard / Centaurus".

(Download for base DMediaPro DM6 support file: ... 1.2.tar.gz )

Download for DVS SDK: ... 7p28.tar.Z

Listing of the files included in the SDK archive:

Code: Select all

oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
Thank you for contacting DVS and obtaining the software.
I've added some code tags to your post to make the listing scrollable and less bulky.

So did they confirm that sdio sdk2.7p28 is the latest (beta) release of the software?
:Crimson: :PI: :Indigo: :O2: :Indy: :Indigo2: :Indigo2IMP:
Implicitly they did, I believe. I've asked them to send this file or any later version, and they sent this file.
(But they did not explicitly state in the text that this was the latest version.)

(Also, as a double-check: they sent this version to another forum member who contacted them in 2009. I would say it's unlikely they made any changes to IRIX SDK after 2009.)
oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
(Looking into the archive, it appears CVS was used for version control, and the latest date found in the files is:
$Id: dvs_clib.h,v 1.9 2005/03/04 12:09:10 $)

The filesystem date of the files that were packed into the archive is Mar 8, 2005, and the date of the .Z file they created and provided for download was today's (Apr 27, 2016).

So we could reasonably assume that the archive was produced today and that it indeed contains the latest/last version of the files.
oOoO :Tezro: oOoO
Also, here is probably the last remaining thread which was useful but not cross-referenced yet, on the topic of SGI DMediaPro DM6:


It discusses SDStationOEM, SDStationOEM II, software support and PCI-X compatibility in various SGI machines.
oOoO :Tezro: oOoO