SGI: Development

neko_artofillusion-2.5.1.tardist in /incoming

neko_artofillusion-2.5.1.tardist is in /incoming and soon to be in my downloads folder.

It is nothing new (its a decade old) nor special. No compiling nor porting was done. This is just packaging the opensource vendor's binaries/tarball into a nekoware package.
/usr/nekoware/bin/aoi is a script you can run, should already be in your PATH, to launch Art of Illusion.

A lot of people new to SGI/IRIX look to nekoware for what is available. Art of Illusion as a nekoware package makes it more accessible to people.

I spent more time figuring out which Art of Illusion package works with IRIX and its super modern version of Java2 (1.4.1). At least now, its a simple tardist install than messing with tarballs of several versions.

Version 2.5.1 seems to be the last to support our java version.

necron2600 wrote: I didnt see this post until now..

The Ayam guy used to come here once in a while. He always made extra efforts to make sure it ran on Irix. It was/is pretty nice. I'm more of a caddy person but it seemed to work well.

Java is ... less than optimum. I hate to say pessimum because no matter how bad you think something is, today's "developers" can always surprise you. But .....
The time has come for someone to put his foot down ...