SGI: hinv

O2, R12K 400Mhz, 1GB RAM, 32GB HDD

hinv -vm
CPU: MIPS R12000 Processor Chip Revision: 3.5
FPU: MIPS R12010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0
1 400 MHZ IP32 Processor
Main memory size: 1024 Mbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 2 Mbytes on Processor 0
Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes
Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
FLASH PROM version 4.18
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version ADAPTEC 7880
Disk drive: unit 2 on SCSI controller 0 (unit 2)
CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 1: Version ADAPTEC 7880
On-board serial ports: tty1
On-board serial ports: tty2
On-board EPP/ECP parallel port
CRM graphics installed
Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1
Iris Audio Processor: version A3 revision 0
PCI Adapter ID (vendor 0x9004, device 0x8078) PCI slot 1
PCI Adapter ID (vendor 0x9004, device 0x8078) PCI slot 2
Video: MVP unit 0 version 1.4
AV: AV1 Card version 1, Camera not connected.
Vice: TRE

/usr/gfx/gfxinfo -vv
Graphics board 0 is "CRM" graphics.
Managed (":0.0") 1280x1024
32 bitplanes
board revision 2, CRM revision C, GBE revision B
Monitor 0 type: Unknown
(Could not contact X server; thus, no XSGIvc information available)

uname -aR
IRIX no2 6.5 6.5.22m 10070056 IP32

scsicontrol -i /dev/scsi/*
/dev/scsi/sc0d2l0:  Disk          SGI     ST336607LC      2743
ANSI vers 3, ISO ver: 0, ECMA ver: 0; supports:  16bit synch linkedcmds cmdqueing
Device is  ready
/dev/scsi/sc0d4l0:  CD-ROM        TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-6401TA1003
ANSI vers 2, ISO ver: 0, ECMA ver: 0; supports:  reladdr synch linkedcmds
Device is  not ready

/sbin/diskpatch -v
sc0d2l0:  Disk         SGI     ST336607LC      2743  Serial: 3JA9Z2MW

[click for links to hinv] JP: [ :O200: :Fuel: :Octane2: :Octane: :O2: :Indy: :Indy: ] PL: [ :Fuel: :O2: :O2+: :Indy: ]
For Sale: 2*O200 M/B, 2*O200 PSU, 6*256MB O200 RAM, 2*O200 SCSI Backplane, 2*O200 MSC, DMediaPro DM-2 ( 030-1653-002 Rev. H , XT-DIGVID) with Octane XIO pull (Origin pull optionally available)
Nicely maxed out O2 :)

I am curious about the temperature of the HDD, could you please post the output of scsimon after the system has been running for about an hour?
no2 26# ./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    26C/78F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29117 minutes (= 20d 5h 17m)
Next internal test in:  112 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
no2 27# !!
./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    31C/87F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29133 minutes (= 20d 5h 33m)
Next internal test in:  96 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
no2 28#
no2 28# !!
./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    35C/95F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29159 minutes (= 20d 5h 59m)
Next internal test in:  70 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
no2 29# date
Fri Nov  2 11:59:18 JST 2012
no2 30# !./s
./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    35C/95F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29179 minutes (= 20d 6h 19m)
Next internal test in:  50 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
no2 31#

After approx 1 hour, temp gradually went up from 26C to 35C.
I'm keeping the machine loaded, but without significant disk IO

Some 1 hour later, the temp went up to 38C

bash-4.0# ./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    36C/96F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29206 minutes (= 20d 6h 46m)
Next internal test in:  22 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
bash-4.0# !!
./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    38C/100F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29236 minutes (= 20d 7h 16m)
Next internal test in:  112 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK

And not long later, temperature seems to have stabilized at 37C.

bash-4.0# !./s
./scsimon /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0
Inquiry response:       [SGI     ST336607LC      2743]
Current temperature:    37C/98F
Maximum temperature:    68C/154F
Drive uptime (total):   29249 minutes (= 20d 7h 29m)
Next internal test in:  100 minutes
Self-test data (newest first):
0: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK
1: at: 1h      type: bg short          result: completed OK

Ambient temperature in my room is some 20-22C.

[click for links to hinv] JP: [ :O200: :Fuel: :Octane2: :Octane: :O2: :Indy: :Indy: ] PL: [ :Fuel: :O2: :O2+: :Indy: ]
For Sale: 2*O200 M/B, 2*O200 PSU, 6*256MB O200 RAM, 2*O200 SCSI Backplane, 2*O200 MSC, DMediaPro DM-2 ( 030-1653-002 Rev. H , XT-DIGVID) with Octane XIO pull (Origin pull optionally available)
Thanks :)
do you have pics ? :)

Image _ Betty Blue _
R12000A 400 Mhz ; 1 Gb RAM ; 72 Gb 15K HDD; IRIX 6.5.29
CrystalEyes; Dial Box; O2Cam "ZEYE"; external Toshiba SD-M1711 DVD-ROM; Octane speakers;
Lock bar; SGI microphone.
Mods: PSU Noctua fan; internal Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM; Adaptec AIC-7880P SCSI card.

Seasonic X 1250W PSU / Intel I7 2600k 4 x 5,00 Ghz / 2 x Gainward 2Gb GTX 560Ti Phantom 2 / 32 Gb DDR3 / Intel x25-M 160 Gb SSD and 2 x 1,5 Tb HDDs
_ Lazarus _
2 x Intel Xeon MP Gallatin 3,00 Ghz with 4 MB cache / Zotac 512Mb GT430 / 12 Gb DDR266 ECC / 4 x Maxtor Atlas 146GB 10K V U320